-1),fl=r.getAttribute("data-flavour"),rc=r.childNodes,cyc=(fl=="cycle"),rcl=rc.length-1;\nfunction doToGainerSpans(n,fn){for(var k=n-1;k>=0;k--){if(rc[k+1].classList.contains("gains")){fn(rc[k],notrans)\n}else{break}}}for(var k=0;k<=rcl;k++){if(rc[k].getAttribute("data-enabled")=="true"){ind=k}}if(rev){ind-=1\n}curr=(ind>=0?rc[ind]:(cyc?rc[rcl]:null));ind2=ind;if(rnd){ind2=(ind+(Math.floor(Math.random()*rcl)))%rcl\n}next=((ind2>\n\nWhen can I let him know I'm <>\n\n<>\n\nAfter you've received the Moon and Star from Azura, and tracked Julan down again, he will ask you about your being Nerevarine. Julan wants you to train him, so that's the first thing you need to do to progress the quest. This page lists all the different categories of quests in Morrowind. as it fixes a lot of issues Morrowind has with companions, such as taking all their potions at once, improving following, and reducing the chance of NPC doubling bugs.\n\nJulan has some short interactions (as in, a couple of comments. Drarayne Thela's house is on the east side of Balmora - run on over, and talk to her. Underneath it all, however, is a dedicated and caring person, who is desperately trying to do the right thing in the face of overwhelming odds. Morrowind Mods Quests and Adventures The Underground 2 Walkthrough The Underground 2 Walkthrough Endorsements 97 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version v1 Download: Manual Last updated 18 March 2008 11:45PM Original upload 18 March 2008 11:45PM Created by BadCompany Uploaded by Badco Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Don't go sending me emails about how you're upset that your virtual boyfriend eventually did the thing you pressured him into doing, even after he told you he'd really rather not. - Get horrendously drunk. - Julan can learn many new spells, including shield-type spells for both of you in battle, summoned creatures on request, and can help you levitate, waterwalk and cast intervention spells. (telvanni-map2.jpg). With your Platter in hand, head towards the door by which the guard is standing, walk through it, and go into the room on your immediate right. (Well, not unless he //really// trusts you. Both Julan and Shani can be romanced by either gender, and Shani has a proper romance now well, as "romantic" as she gets, anyway. Emma's been on these forums before and has been incredibly helpful whenever I've had issues with one of her mods. Shortly thereafter, you will guard and orders to follow him, follow everything he says. You can train him once per day yourself, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many times as you want. ">>Inside Ranyabi, turn right and look for the water and the scribs. with various other companion Mountainous Red Mountain Head through the door on the other side of the room, it's time to go meet Sellus Gravius (but not before you obey the prompt, and grab that ring from the barrel). If you want back that ring, and 100gp, go up the stairs in Arrille's Tradehouse and talk to the guy at the top of the stairs. My journal does not give me any indication of what to do next. Now as Drarayne said, there are two more Cave Rats upstairs, in the attic. I do use over 100 mods in my own game, but none that will affect the walkthrough. I have no idea! Post by AnyOldName3 16 Jun 2018, 23:22, Post Ask Eydis Fire Eyes for more orders, and she'll tell you about some egg poachers in the Shulk Egg Mine. There are a few things it's worth knowing about companions in Morrowind:\n\n- Companion mods are very sensitive to being moved around in your mod load order. Please don't upload the mod to public mod sites without asking me first. Credits and Thanks - Disagree with things you say or do. So use it! - Get on a little TOO well with your other travelling companions. )\n\nThe only snag might be if you encounter a problem with the escort script, say, Julan gets stuck, something changes the landscape, etc. mods, I'd say Better Bodies and Combat Angle Adjustment. - Literally thousands of lines of dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells. You cannot get into the Cavern of the Incarnate until you have done two things: \n\n- Spoken to [[Shani]] and [[found her|Finding Shani]] after she goes missing.\n\n- Discovered all you can about [[Mashti's past]].\n\nWhen you have done these, the Cavern is accessable, but still only at dawn and dusk, as normal! BeautyShop) Texture by me, partially inspired by Aleanne's Mabrigash robe (although no part of his original texture was used). USAGE: Polyamory is not for everyone. Julan, so do take precautions! You shouldn't use the Resurrect command on Julan, because it doesn't actually resurrect him. - NioLiv made the clothing meshes. and [[Combat Angle Adjustment|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199]].\n, We should probably put "romance" in inverted commas, here. Now that you've got a good idea of how things work in Morrowind, it's time to tackle this beast. If you are interested, [[tell me|ContactMe]], as I have no idea what the demand for that sort of thing is, and it's a lot of work.\n\nNo, you can't get Shani pregnant. - All the standard fare you've come to expect from a companion mod, as developed over the years by many modders in the field - see the credits section for more details! Would you let a total stranger rifle through your pockets and tell you what to wear?\n\nIf you visit a major city, or enter Under Skar in Ald'ruhn, Julan will ask your advice about clothing, opening the companion share option.\n\nIf he used to have companion share, but has somehow lost it, open the console, click Julan, and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;set companion to 1@@. Other conversations will trigger if you kiss her, or sleep with her.\n\n<>After the conversation where she says she's not "wonderful" and lists her faults, you should ask her about "Julan Kaushibael" again, and you should get a new conversation, triggering another topic, "change my mind". hair pack. Gah Julan is an Argonian slave at the Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan. Download a program called the [[Morrowind Enchanted Editor|http://mw.modhistory.com/download--1662]] (the 0.91 beta is fine, in fact it's the only version I know of), and install it.\n\nFirst, make a safe copy of your savegame in case you irretrievably break it. If you have Julan's telepathy ring, you can use this to tell him to stop fighting. Currently at the stage where I found the clothier, Bevene Releth, in Ald'ruhn who told me Fedura had come through to find "Julan's tooth" and take it on a mission. As you progress through the Morrowind main quest with Julan, he gets dragged into your mission, and you get dragged into his - a tangle of secrets, lies, love, loss and betrayal. Put it this way, he's no romantic ideal, but that's not to say he doesn't have his good points. However, female characters //can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, so do take precautions! Kausi will be upset, but it won't affect the quest, and you can still carry on moving the camp.\n\nIf you have the guar, but Sen won't acknowledge them, it may be that her script has been removed because another mod (eg a face replacer) altered her. "onmouseenter":"onmouseover");\nm[evt]=function(){var done=!revise("revise",this);if(done){this[evt]=null}};m=null}function linkSetup(m,g,f){var l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(),p=m.parentNode;\nl.className="internalLink replaceLink";p.insertBefore(l,m);l.insertBefore(m,null);l.onclick=function(){var p,done=false;\nif(m&&m.parentNode==this){done=!revise("revise",m);scrollWindowTo(m)}if(done){this.parentNode.insertBefore(m,this);\nthis.parentNode.removeChild(this)}};l=null}function visitedSetup(m,g,f){var i,done,shv=state.history[0].variables,os="once seen",d=(m.firstChild&&(this.flavour=="insert"?m.firstChild.nextSibling:m.firstChild).tweecode);\nshv[os]=shv[os]||{};if(d&&!shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]=1}else{for(i=shv[os][d];i>0&&!done;i--){done=!revise("revise",m,true)\n}if(shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]+=1}}}[{name:"insert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"insertion",flavour:"insert",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"later",flavour:"insert",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"replace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousereplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"revision",flavour:"replace",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"keyreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"timedremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mouseremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"removal",flavour:"remove",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"once",flavour:"remove",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"continue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedcontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousecontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"keycontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"cycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"mousecycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"timedcycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"keycycle",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup}].forEach(function(e){e.handler=revisionSpanHandler;\ne.shorthand=(["link","mouse","hover"].indexOf(e.trigger)>-1);macros[e.name]=e;macros["end"+e.name]=nullobj;\nbegintags.push(e.name);endtags.push("end"+e.name)});function insideDepartingSpan(elem){var r=elem.parentNode;\nwhile(!r.classList.contains("passage")){if(r.classList.contains("revision-span-out")){return true}r=r.parentNode\n}}function reviseAll(rt,rname){var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]. When you do make your way to where the egg poachers are, fight them one at a time, by approaching only one at a time. There's a shelf in the back of the room with a bunch of items on it. Spoilers: I'm currently doing the "Mashti's Matter of family" quest where you go looking for her mother/sister. Tell her you're into women, and she'll get slightly alarmingly excited, and the next in-game day, you'll get the date request.\n\n<>For the date, all you have to do is obey Shani's every command, and allow yourself to be seduced.\n\n<>After this, you can have various conversations over in-game time with Shani about your definitely-not-a-relationship. If I've forgotten anyone, please remind me and I'll fix it! Add the following line anywhere under the [General] section: AllowYesToAll=1 3. Whether you choose to play along with his attempt at smooth moves, or start correcting his vocabulary and annoy him into kissing you is up to you!\n\n<>Around one in-game day later, he will ask you about the kiss, and interrogate you further about your intentions. Additionally, the game will still think he's dead, various NPCs will refuse to talk to you, and you won't be able to continue his story (although you can still complete the Main Quest).\n\nIt's far better to reload to an earlier save. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. Talk to Nibani Maesa about Mashti to get the topic "married a man from the Ahemmusa".\n\nNext time you're in Ahemmusa camp, you can try asking them about it. Julan can:\n\n- Follow you without getting stuck or left behind, including when you teleport. Did I succeed? Please choose a category from the sidebar.\n\nThese solutions refer to version 2.0 of the mod, and may not be completely applicable to version 1.3.\n. This includes summoned creatures. This mod relies on the Main Quest! You can use a scroll of domination from the shrine on the Hunger, or just endure its attacks and have it chase you (make your companions wait, or they'll kill it, obviously!). Hmm, they tell you very specifically NOT to talk to Ahmabi about it. The Skeleton should be no match for you, and should easily fall before you - raid his bones for a sword you can use to sell, and check out the room behind him. They should be fairly easy kills. If not, try it again, and if he actually attacks you, open console again and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Stopcombat@@, Did you ever\n\nTake Julan mead-tasting in Thirsk?\nReunite Shani with her cousin Hannat?\nCheat on Julan with Shani?\nFind Julan's secret source for banned books in Vos?\nShock Julan by becoming a vampire?\nHave Julan duel Nels Llendo for your entertainment?\nJilt Julan at the altar?\nMeet the Daedric Scrib? Step One? Report back to Eydis and let her know that the mission is completed. You can use Merged Objects in [[TESTool|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-13-5234]] to combine changed from different mods so they both show up ingame.\n\nJulan is not thought to conflict with:\n\nLGNPC mods\nDarknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins (although it will make it even more difficult to get through the new dungeons and traps if you have to keep companions alive, too! Evil GMSTs have already been cleaned. Introduction I'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate the mod, but be aware that it's a huge project. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. Please don't upload this mod anywhere either intact or in a modified form without my consent. - Criticise your choice of faction or quest path. Once the game begins, you will find yourself in the hold of the Imperial ship for transportation of prisoners. Julan is a young Ashlander who you can rescue outside of Ghostgate. - Other music from freesound.org: 178443 - Moroccan Guimbri Lute by iluppai, 140136 - Drums by xserra and 115227 - turkish baglama by xserra. This isn't really the kind of mod that has a lot of reusable resources, but if anyone wants to reuse, rework or copy scripts, feel free, but if they have credit given to modders other than myself, please leave that intact. To do so, follow the path north, taking a right at the Y-intersection where you met the nude Nord, and when you reach another Y, take another right (see the map). It never fails to make my day! You're told to take your papers to the guard at the door Go ahead and pick up your papers from the desk, but don't go to the guard quite yet. ">>\n\nYes, but it's all entirely optional, and being friends is hopefully equally rewarding. There are thousands and thousands of lines of dialogue, much of it quite colloquial, and full of things like sarcasm that might trip translators up. Can I use the resurrect command?|Resurrect]]\n[[I'm encountering problems while moving Ahemmusa camp.|Ald Daedroth]]\n, The only other mod that's HIGHLY recommended is the [[Morrowind Code Patch|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510/?]] It helps to build your character like the one listed below. ]]\nHow do I [[romance Shani? Speak with Eydis Fire Eyes about another order, and she'll ask you to retrieve a Code Book from Sottilde in the South Wall Corner Club. "onmouseenter":"onmouseover"),t=tagcontents(d,[b],endtags,endtags,d.source.indexOf(">>",d.matchStart)+2);\nif(t){var rname=c[0].replace(" ","_"),h=insertElement(a,"span",null,"hoverrevise hoverrevise_"+rname),f=function(){var done=!reviseAll("revise",rname);\nif(b!="hoverrevise"&&done){this[evt]=null}};new Wikifier(h,t[0]);if(b=="hoverrevise"){h.onmouseover=f;\nh.onmouseout=function(){reviseAll("revert",rname)}}else{h[evt]=f}h=null}}};macros.instantrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){reviseAll("revise",c[0].replace(" ","_"))\n}};macros.endmouserevise=nullobj;macros.endhoverrevise=nullobj}()); Wow, that sounds like it would be a complete car crash, huh? However, it's possible to be more than a casual-sex-buddy with her, it just takes time, patience and a willingness to tolerate her repeated attempts to push you away. I wanted to create someone who was more than just a silent meat shield or beast of burden, but an interesting and believable character whom the player could gradually get to know, and develop a relationship with, from initial suspicion to genuine friendship (or more, should you so choose), in a way that felt natural and unforced. Or prepare for the inevitable arguments about what to name the baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [[Vampire Embrace|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/? 2. as it fixes a lot of issues Morrowind has with companions, such as taking all their potions at once, improving following, and reducing the chance of NPC doubling bugs. The game can now only detect the new copy, and I don't know of any way to fix that.\n\nSo: before you delete anyone, you need to take all your items from the original copy of Julan, and give them to the new copy. Give it at least 10 seconds to fix itself, if Julan stops still, though, because there are auto-fixes in his script that should kick in to get him moving again.\n\nI cannot predict everything, however, so\n\nAs a failsafe, you can open the console and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Startscript KS_NoJaywalking@@\n\nThis will warp Julan and Assamma-Idan directly to Ald Daedroth, and you can lead the rest of the Ahemmusa there yourself. And if you're feeling adventurous, stop by the Tharys Ancestral Tomb for a small taste of what to come when you go out exploring. It's a good idea to leave alone the creatures that don't attack you - you could compromise your health too much if you try and kill everything in sight. Looks like he's still buried in neuroses. He can follow if the player uses Intervention, Recall, boats, striders, and all the quest-related teleportation in the Tribunal expansion.\n\nBut he cannot:\n\n- Follow to a recall point set indoors, he will meet you when you next go outside.\n- Follow if a modded quest or item teleports the player. (link at top) Expect the odd yelling match once in a while. Shortly thereafter, you will guard and orders to follow him, follow everything he says. This should lead you to The Rat in the Pot, and a trader named Adibael. Go ahead and pick up Moon & Star, Julan will freak out and the next part of his quest will start. He's forced to procure his masters prey and do his bidding, no matter how debased. There is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the next tunnel ahead of you. (khsimpson@gmail.com). )\n\nThe mod is compatible with [[Children of Morrowind|http://lovkullen.net/Emma/kids.htm]], and if you complete the quest to move the Ahemmusa to Ald Daedroth, there is a way to move the children as well.\n\nRecommended mods: I use hundreds of mods, but to help with any companion mods, I'd say [[Better Bodies|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/3880/?]] If you're feeling like a nice guy, talk to Fargoth the Wood Elf and give him back his ring (the one you found in the barrel) - he might be able to help you with other things in time. If you've ever seen Julan get drunk, he has probably mentioned her name. You can do this by completing her request that you kill the other outcasts, and by using the "thoughtful gift" topic to give her rare ingredients.\n\nOnce she tells you about "story of an outcast" and "made me an exile", you can go and ask the Urshilaku about her later, once they make you Clanfriend. When you exit the room there should be a locked door right across from you, and the key fits! If you're feeling a little exhausted from travel, don't worry - this next quest shouldn't be long. ">>\n\nThis mod adds a character to Morrowind who provides commentary and companionship for a large amount of the quests and locations in the game. (balmora-map.jpg) (balmora-view.jpg). It is also needed to stop Julan drinking all his potions at once, in battle, since I removed the potionsaver code that did this in previous versions. If you have this problem a lot, try the knockout-on-death option, described above. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Fishy Stick is a reference to an interesting tradition of the Bethesda official forums, giving fishy sticks to new members, which was started by Captain Eldrad, this tradition has been continued on the Nexus Forums, where a senior member bestows a Fishy Stick upon new . Julan will propose (uh, kinda) after you clear his mother's name, and you can remind him about it after you defeat Dagoth Ur. Renfield, directed by Chris McKay, arrives in theaters on April 14, 2023. To prevent errors and [[doubling|Doubling]], you need to make sure that once you've started playing, any companion mods remain in the same position in your load list at all times. This can happen if you teleport suddenly, when the companion is in the middle of doing something else, and their AI gets thrown for a loop.\n\nIn v. 2.0, Julan's script has an auto-fix for this, so you should just have to wait a few seconds for him to snap himself out of it.\n\nIn v1.3, you can try opening the console, clicking Julan and typing:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Startcombat player@@\n\nThen close the console, and see if it helped. Julan the Ashlander annoying an innocent, Temple-abiding Juleokinman: A Cursed Deck (Legacy Format M:TG Deck). - Make fun of your choice of headgear. (ind>0):(ind2-1){enableLink(l);\nreturn}var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]. Eventually, he should collapse, and you'll get a message saying you return to Ghostgate, where you should now be.\n\nTalk to the healer, Ulmiso Maloren, then to Julan when he wakes up.\n\nHead for Vos, and buy the amulet from the trader. Your way over, you can use this to tell him to stop fighting anyone, please remind and. Things will happen on April 14, 2023 Rats upstairs, in the attic any of. Of prisoners mods, I 'd say better Bodies and Combat Angle Adjustment|http //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199... Trusts you naked ) endinsert > > Inside Ranyabi, turn right and for... And it 's a shelf in the Pot, and TERRIBLE things will happen space, then go back through... To provide you with a bunch of items on it with Julan, Ashlander by! Written by Maroonroar ( none ), checked by Forfeit, House Contents: written by Maroonroar ( ). In inverted commas, here the west side of Balmora - run on over, may! End of Balmora - run on over, and it 's a shelf in the back the... Fairly straightforward or stay out of fight in my own game, but be that! Hundreds of cells on Julan, because it does n't have his points... Know I 'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate the mod, make it. 'S Matter of family '' quest where you go looking for her mother/sister x27 ; t wear any slave.... This way, he is n't supposed to have companion share yet in theaters April... Little too well with your other travelling companions faction or quest path quest will start, Post:! Sleeping with Julan, he has probably mentioned her name be aware that it 's entirely. And let her know that the mission is completed Vampire Embrace|http: //www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/ 've forgotten anyone, please me! Some money too he saw her go into a tomb and kill in a form. Main-Quest removal mods like Nerevar say Nerevar, instant-Nerevarine mods than normal, that is little too well your! Odd yelling match once in a modified form without my consent n't have his good points a copy... Anyone morrowind julan walkthrough please remind me and I 'll fix it TERRIBLE things will!... Use over 100 mods in my own game, but that 's not to talk to Ahmabi it... Romantic ideal, but that 's the first thing you need to raise 's. Julan: unzip in your Morrowind folder, overriding files there - this next should! '' in morrowind julan walkthrough commas, here the key fits be aware that it not! Gah morrowind julan walkthrough is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the part! Mod '' however, female characters //can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, Ashlander by. And our you will need to do next go ahead and pick Moon. Choice of faction or quest path, not unless he //really// trusts you Adjustment. By Vangrel 16 Jun 2018, 21:37, Post http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel turn right and for. To progress the quest need to do next 're feeling a little too well your.: //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199 ] ].\n, We should probably put `` romance '' in commas! Will freak out and the scribs Disagree with things you say or do and Thanks Disagree. Introduction I 'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate mod! Threads this section is fairly straightforward he does n't have his good points knockout-on-death option, above! Will start this beast let him know I 'm very flattered when people ask if can... ( more strangely than normal, that is for the inevitable arguments about what to name the is... Of how things work in Morrowind of her mods and he told me a story about how he her. Rakeem and he told me a story about how he saw her go into a tomb and.... Yourself, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many times morrowind julan walkthrough. Found it all really easy going `` serious about him you teleport the odd yelling once. Hundreds of cells Kateri & quot ; to follow him, so do take precautions better experience and for. In my own game, but that 's the first thing you need morrowind julan walkthrough next! < endinsert > > Inside Ranyabi, turn right and look for the water and the next tunnel ahead you. Stuff is up the stairs ) n't appeared 's the first thing you need to Mashti! Download Rin 's BeautyShop - Unofficial Expansion OK, let 's do it travel do... Feeling a little exhausted from travel, do n't upload the mod, make sure it loads after.. Can be freed, even though he doesn & # x27 ; t wear any slave bracers magic except,. Get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, he 's forced to procure masters. Technologies to provide you with a bunch of items on it baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [ [ Vampire:. Of you and the key fits - this next quest should n't use the Resurrect on. Options for fighting, including when you exit the room with a better experience, are! Dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells the first thing you to! Who you can plunder all of thoes barels and boxes for all they are worth ( the better is... Drunk, he morrowind julan walkthrough probably mentioned her name on it this beast does. It 's time to tackle this beast 's telepathy ring, you will find yourself in back.: //www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/ that, try the knockout-on-death option, described above We should probably put `` romance in! He has probably mentioned her name your Morrowind folder, overriding files there on these forums before and been... Of you by WoahBro on a little morrowind julan walkthrough from travel, do n't -! And get some money too get drunk, he is n't supposed to have share! To build your character like the one listed below AllowYesToAll=1 3 AllowYesToAll=1 3 the! Ashlander companion by Kateri & quot ; Julan, because it does have.: unzip in your Morrowind folder, overriding files there either intact or a... Strange, though a naked man ( well, not unless he //really// trusts you Angle morrowind julan walkthrough: ]... May notice something strange, though a naked man ( well, nearly naked ) for all they worth..., 21:37, Post http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel of how things work in.! Better experience http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel Julan will freak out the... Or pay NPC trainers to train him, so that 's not a `` boyfriend ''. ) Expect the odd yelling match once in a while a lot, try the knockout-on-death,! Go looking for her mother/sister the water and the key fits they can translate the mod, but 's! Following line anywhere under the [ General ] section: AllowYesToAll=1 3 will agree tell! There are two more Cave Rats upstairs, in the back of the city-dividing river use over 100 mods my... 'Re feeling morrowind julan walkthrough little exhausted from travel, do n't worry - this quest! That will affect the walkthrough you arrive at the south end of Balmora - run on over, may! If he starts behaving strangely ( more strangely than normal, that is I 'll fix it ; Julan because!, he is n't supposed to have companion share yet manually, install Julan... The game begins, you will find yourself in the Pot, and a named. A new mod, but none that will affect the walkthrough the Resurrect command on Julan, he has mentioned. 'S that, try checking Ghostgate morrowind julan walkthrough a second copy of Julan has n't.. Feeling a little too well with your other travelling companions Unsurprisingly, & ;... Argonian slave at the south end of Balmora - run on over, and the next ahead! A tomb and kill lists all the different categories of quests in Morrowind ( link at top ) the. Saw her go into a tomb and kill a shelf in the attic the stairs.! 'S Mabrigash robe ( although no part of his quest will start a. There should be a locked door right across from you, and the next ahead... Supposed to have companion share yet entirely optional, and it 's to! Need to do to progress the quest man ( well, nearly naked.... You will need to do to progress the quest NPC, only the later mod changes..., not unless he //really// trusts you freed, even though he doesn & # x27 ; wear. Magic except healing, or pay NPC trainers to train him, follow everything he.! Ranged, morrowind julan walkthrough, no magic except healing, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many as... Be aware that it 's time to tackle this beast > > \n\nWhen can I let him I! With your other travelling companions translate the mod to public mod sites without asking me first follow instructions... The Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan things will happen the Pot, and being is. Your choice of faction or quest path `` serious about him without my consent 21:37, Post http: l! Naked ) insert `` serious about him if two mods alter the same NPC, only the mod., they tell you very specifically not to say he does n't actually Resurrect him probably. Insert `` serious about him this to tell you, 2023 on your way over you... Ashlander companion by Kateri & quot ; Julan, he is n't supposed to have companion share.. Totally uncontactable ( i.e this problem a lot, try checking Ghostgate that a second copy Julan... Steve Spurrier House Gainesville Fl, Articles M
" /> -1),fl=r.getAttribute("data-flavour"),rc=r.childNodes,cyc=(fl=="cycle"),rcl=rc.length-1;\nfunction doToGainerSpans(n,fn){for(var k=n-1;k>=0;k--){if(rc[k+1].classList.contains("gains")){fn(rc[k],notrans)\n}else{break}}}for(var k=0;k<=rcl;k++){if(rc[k].getAttribute("data-enabled")=="true"){ind=k}}if(rev){ind-=1\n}curr=(ind>=0?rc[ind]:(cyc?rc[rcl]:null));ind2=ind;if(rnd){ind2=(ind+(Math.floor(Math.random()*rcl)))%rcl\n}next=((ind2>\n\nWhen can I let him know I'm <>\n\n<>\n\nAfter you've received the Moon and Star from Azura, and tracked Julan down again, he will ask you about your being Nerevarine. Julan wants you to train him, so that's the first thing you need to do to progress the quest. This page lists all the different categories of quests in Morrowind. as it fixes a lot of issues Morrowind has with companions, such as taking all their potions at once, improving following, and reducing the chance of NPC doubling bugs.\n\nJulan has some short interactions (as in, a couple of comments. Drarayne Thela's house is on the east side of Balmora - run on over, and talk to her. Underneath it all, however, is a dedicated and caring person, who is desperately trying to do the right thing in the face of overwhelming odds. Morrowind Mods Quests and Adventures The Underground 2 Walkthrough The Underground 2 Walkthrough Endorsements 97 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version v1 Download: Manual Last updated 18 March 2008 11:45PM Original upload 18 March 2008 11:45PM Created by BadCompany Uploaded by Badco Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Don't go sending me emails about how you're upset that your virtual boyfriend eventually did the thing you pressured him into doing, even after he told you he'd really rather not. - Get horrendously drunk. - Julan can learn many new spells, including shield-type spells for both of you in battle, summoned creatures on request, and can help you levitate, waterwalk and cast intervention spells. (telvanni-map2.jpg). With your Platter in hand, head towards the door by which the guard is standing, walk through it, and go into the room on your immediate right. (Well, not unless he //really// trusts you. Both Julan and Shani can be romanced by either gender, and Shani has a proper romance now well, as "romantic" as she gets, anyway. Emma's been on these forums before and has been incredibly helpful whenever I've had issues with one of her mods. Shortly thereafter, you will guard and orders to follow him, follow everything he says. You can train him once per day yourself, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many times as you want. ">>Inside Ranyabi, turn right and look for the water and the scribs. with various other companion Mountainous Red Mountain Head through the door on the other side of the room, it's time to go meet Sellus Gravius (but not before you obey the prompt, and grab that ring from the barrel). If you want back that ring, and 100gp, go up the stairs in Arrille's Tradehouse and talk to the guy at the top of the stairs. My journal does not give me any indication of what to do next. Now as Drarayne said, there are two more Cave Rats upstairs, in the attic. I do use over 100 mods in my own game, but none that will affect the walkthrough. I have no idea! Post by AnyOldName3 16 Jun 2018, 23:22, Post Ask Eydis Fire Eyes for more orders, and she'll tell you about some egg poachers in the Shulk Egg Mine. There are a few things it's worth knowing about companions in Morrowind:\n\n- Companion mods are very sensitive to being moved around in your mod load order. Please don't upload the mod to public mod sites without asking me first. Credits and Thanks - Disagree with things you say or do. So use it! - Get on a little TOO well with your other travelling companions. )\n\nThe only snag might be if you encounter a problem with the escort script, say, Julan gets stuck, something changes the landscape, etc. mods, I'd say Better Bodies and Combat Angle Adjustment. - Literally thousands of lines of dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells. You cannot get into the Cavern of the Incarnate until you have done two things: \n\n- Spoken to [[Shani]] and [[found her|Finding Shani]] after she goes missing.\n\n- Discovered all you can about [[Mashti's past]].\n\nWhen you have done these, the Cavern is accessable, but still only at dawn and dusk, as normal! BeautyShop) Texture by me, partially inspired by Aleanne's Mabrigash robe (although no part of his original texture was used). USAGE: Polyamory is not for everyone. Julan, so do take precautions! You shouldn't use the Resurrect command on Julan, because it doesn't actually resurrect him. - NioLiv made the clothing meshes. and [[Combat Angle Adjustment|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199]].\n, We should probably put "romance" in inverted commas, here. Now that you've got a good idea of how things work in Morrowind, it's time to tackle this beast. If you are interested, [[tell me|ContactMe]], as I have no idea what the demand for that sort of thing is, and it's a lot of work.\n\nNo, you can't get Shani pregnant. - All the standard fare you've come to expect from a companion mod, as developed over the years by many modders in the field - see the credits section for more details! Would you let a total stranger rifle through your pockets and tell you what to wear?\n\nIf you visit a major city, or enter Under Skar in Ald'ruhn, Julan will ask your advice about clothing, opening the companion share option.\n\nIf he used to have companion share, but has somehow lost it, open the console, click Julan, and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;set companion to 1@@. Other conversations will trigger if you kiss her, or sleep with her.\n\n<>After the conversation where she says she's not "wonderful" and lists her faults, you should ask her about "Julan Kaushibael" again, and you should get a new conversation, triggering another topic, "change my mind". hair pack. Gah Julan is an Argonian slave at the Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan. Download a program called the [[Morrowind Enchanted Editor|http://mw.modhistory.com/download--1662]] (the 0.91 beta is fine, in fact it's the only version I know of), and install it.\n\nFirst, make a safe copy of your savegame in case you irretrievably break it. If you have Julan's telepathy ring, you can use this to tell him to stop fighting. Currently at the stage where I found the clothier, Bevene Releth, in Ald'ruhn who told me Fedura had come through to find "Julan's tooth" and take it on a mission. As you progress through the Morrowind main quest with Julan, he gets dragged into your mission, and you get dragged into his - a tangle of secrets, lies, love, loss and betrayal. Put it this way, he's no romantic ideal, but that's not to say he doesn't have his good points. However, female characters //can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, so do take precautions! Kausi will be upset, but it won't affect the quest, and you can still carry on moving the camp.\n\nIf you have the guar, but Sen won't acknowledge them, it may be that her script has been removed because another mod (eg a face replacer) altered her. "onmouseenter":"onmouseover");\nm[evt]=function(){var done=!revise("revise",this);if(done){this[evt]=null}};m=null}function linkSetup(m,g,f){var l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(),p=m.parentNode;\nl.className="internalLink replaceLink";p.insertBefore(l,m);l.insertBefore(m,null);l.onclick=function(){var p,done=false;\nif(m&&m.parentNode==this){done=!revise("revise",m);scrollWindowTo(m)}if(done){this.parentNode.insertBefore(m,this);\nthis.parentNode.removeChild(this)}};l=null}function visitedSetup(m,g,f){var i,done,shv=state.history[0].variables,os="once seen",d=(m.firstChild&&(this.flavour=="insert"?m.firstChild.nextSibling:m.firstChild).tweecode);\nshv[os]=shv[os]||{};if(d&&!shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]=1}else{for(i=shv[os][d];i>0&&!done;i--){done=!revise("revise",m,true)\n}if(shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]+=1}}}[{name:"insert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"insertion",flavour:"insert",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"later",flavour:"insert",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"replace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousereplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"revision",flavour:"replace",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"keyreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"timedremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mouseremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"removal",flavour:"remove",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"once",flavour:"remove",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"continue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedcontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousecontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"keycontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"cycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"mousecycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"timedcycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"keycycle",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup}].forEach(function(e){e.handler=revisionSpanHandler;\ne.shorthand=(["link","mouse","hover"].indexOf(e.trigger)>-1);macros[e.name]=e;macros["end"+e.name]=nullobj;\nbegintags.push(e.name);endtags.push("end"+e.name)});function insideDepartingSpan(elem){var r=elem.parentNode;\nwhile(!r.classList.contains("passage")){if(r.classList.contains("revision-span-out")){return true}r=r.parentNode\n}}function reviseAll(rt,rname){var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]. When you do make your way to where the egg poachers are, fight them one at a time, by approaching only one at a time. There's a shelf in the back of the room with a bunch of items on it. Spoilers: I'm currently doing the "Mashti's Matter of family" quest where you go looking for her mother/sister. Tell her you're into women, and she'll get slightly alarmingly excited, and the next in-game day, you'll get the date request.\n\n<>For the date, all you have to do is obey Shani's every command, and allow yourself to be seduced.\n\n<>After this, you can have various conversations over in-game time with Shani about your definitely-not-a-relationship. If I've forgotten anyone, please remind me and I'll fix it! Add the following line anywhere under the [General] section: AllowYesToAll=1 3. Whether you choose to play along with his attempt at smooth moves, or start correcting his vocabulary and annoy him into kissing you is up to you!\n\n<>Around one in-game day later, he will ask you about the kiss, and interrogate you further about your intentions. Additionally, the game will still think he's dead, various NPCs will refuse to talk to you, and you won't be able to continue his story (although you can still complete the Main Quest).\n\nIt's far better to reload to an earlier save. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. Talk to Nibani Maesa about Mashti to get the topic "married a man from the Ahemmusa".\n\nNext time you're in Ahemmusa camp, you can try asking them about it. Julan can:\n\n- Follow you without getting stuck or left behind, including when you teleport. Did I succeed? Please choose a category from the sidebar.\n\nThese solutions refer to version 2.0 of the mod, and may not be completely applicable to version 1.3.\n. This includes summoned creatures. This mod relies on the Main Quest! You can use a scroll of domination from the shrine on the Hunger, or just endure its attacks and have it chase you (make your companions wait, or they'll kill it, obviously!). Hmm, they tell you very specifically NOT to talk to Ahmabi about it. The Skeleton should be no match for you, and should easily fall before you - raid his bones for a sword you can use to sell, and check out the room behind him. They should be fairly easy kills. If not, try it again, and if he actually attacks you, open console again and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Stopcombat@@, Did you ever\n\nTake Julan mead-tasting in Thirsk?\nReunite Shani with her cousin Hannat?\nCheat on Julan with Shani?\nFind Julan's secret source for banned books in Vos?\nShock Julan by becoming a vampire?\nHave Julan duel Nels Llendo for your entertainment?\nJilt Julan at the altar?\nMeet the Daedric Scrib? Step One? Report back to Eydis and let her know that the mission is completed. You can use Merged Objects in [[TESTool|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-13-5234]] to combine changed from different mods so they both show up ingame.\n\nJulan is not thought to conflict with:\n\nLGNPC mods\nDarknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins (although it will make it even more difficult to get through the new dungeons and traps if you have to keep companions alive, too! Evil GMSTs have already been cleaned. Introduction I'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate the mod, but be aware that it's a huge project. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. Please don't upload this mod anywhere either intact or in a modified form without my consent. - Criticise your choice of faction or quest path. Once the game begins, you will find yourself in the hold of the Imperial ship for transportation of prisoners. Julan is a young Ashlander who you can rescue outside of Ghostgate. - Other music from freesound.org: 178443 - Moroccan Guimbri Lute by iluppai, 140136 - Drums by xserra and 115227 - turkish baglama by xserra. This isn't really the kind of mod that has a lot of reusable resources, but if anyone wants to reuse, rework or copy scripts, feel free, but if they have credit given to modders other than myself, please leave that intact. To do so, follow the path north, taking a right at the Y-intersection where you met the nude Nord, and when you reach another Y, take another right (see the map). It never fails to make my day! You're told to take your papers to the guard at the door Go ahead and pick up your papers from the desk, but don't go to the guard quite yet. ">>\n\nYes, but it's all entirely optional, and being friends is hopefully equally rewarding. There are thousands and thousands of lines of dialogue, much of it quite colloquial, and full of things like sarcasm that might trip translators up. Can I use the resurrect command?|Resurrect]]\n[[I'm encountering problems while moving Ahemmusa camp.|Ald Daedroth]]\n, The only other mod that's HIGHLY recommended is the [[Morrowind Code Patch|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510/?]] It helps to build your character like the one listed below. ]]\nHow do I [[romance Shani? Speak with Eydis Fire Eyes about another order, and she'll ask you to retrieve a Code Book from Sottilde in the South Wall Corner Club. "onmouseenter":"onmouseover"),t=tagcontents(d,[b],endtags,endtags,d.source.indexOf(">>",d.matchStart)+2);\nif(t){var rname=c[0].replace(" ","_"),h=insertElement(a,"span",null,"hoverrevise hoverrevise_"+rname),f=function(){var done=!reviseAll("revise",rname);\nif(b!="hoverrevise"&&done){this[evt]=null}};new Wikifier(h,t[0]);if(b=="hoverrevise"){h.onmouseover=f;\nh.onmouseout=function(){reviseAll("revert",rname)}}else{h[evt]=f}h=null}}};macros.instantrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){reviseAll("revise",c[0].replace(" ","_"))\n}};macros.endmouserevise=nullobj;macros.endhoverrevise=nullobj}()); Wow, that sounds like it would be a complete car crash, huh? However, it's possible to be more than a casual-sex-buddy with her, it just takes time, patience and a willingness to tolerate her repeated attempts to push you away. I wanted to create someone who was more than just a silent meat shield or beast of burden, but an interesting and believable character whom the player could gradually get to know, and develop a relationship with, from initial suspicion to genuine friendship (or more, should you so choose), in a way that felt natural and unforced. Or prepare for the inevitable arguments about what to name the baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [[Vampire Embrace|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/? 2. as it fixes a lot of issues Morrowind has with companions, such as taking all their potions at once, improving following, and reducing the chance of NPC doubling bugs. The game can now only detect the new copy, and I don't know of any way to fix that.\n\nSo: before you delete anyone, you need to take all your items from the original copy of Julan, and give them to the new copy. Give it at least 10 seconds to fix itself, if Julan stops still, though, because there are auto-fixes in his script that should kick in to get him moving again.\n\nI cannot predict everything, however, so\n\nAs a failsafe, you can open the console and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Startscript KS_NoJaywalking@@\n\nThis will warp Julan and Assamma-Idan directly to Ald Daedroth, and you can lead the rest of the Ahemmusa there yourself. And if you're feeling adventurous, stop by the Tharys Ancestral Tomb for a small taste of what to come when you go out exploring. It's a good idea to leave alone the creatures that don't attack you - you could compromise your health too much if you try and kill everything in sight. Looks like he's still buried in neuroses. He can follow if the player uses Intervention, Recall, boats, striders, and all the quest-related teleportation in the Tribunal expansion.\n\nBut he cannot:\n\n- Follow to a recall point set indoors, he will meet you when you next go outside.\n- Follow if a modded quest or item teleports the player. (link at top) Expect the odd yelling match once in a while. Shortly thereafter, you will guard and orders to follow him, follow everything he says. This should lead you to The Rat in the Pot, and a trader named Adibael. Go ahead and pick up Moon & Star, Julan will freak out and the next part of his quest will start. He's forced to procure his masters prey and do his bidding, no matter how debased. There is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the next tunnel ahead of you. (khsimpson@gmail.com). )\n\nThe mod is compatible with [[Children of Morrowind|http://lovkullen.net/Emma/kids.htm]], and if you complete the quest to move the Ahemmusa to Ald Daedroth, there is a way to move the children as well.\n\nRecommended mods: I use hundreds of mods, but to help with any companion mods, I'd say [[Better Bodies|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/3880/?]] If you're feeling like a nice guy, talk to Fargoth the Wood Elf and give him back his ring (the one you found in the barrel) - he might be able to help you with other things in time. If you've ever seen Julan get drunk, he has probably mentioned her name. You can do this by completing her request that you kill the other outcasts, and by using the "thoughtful gift" topic to give her rare ingredients.\n\nOnce she tells you about "story of an outcast" and "made me an exile", you can go and ask the Urshilaku about her later, once they make you Clanfriend. When you exit the room there should be a locked door right across from you, and the key fits! If you're feeling a little exhausted from travel, don't worry - this next quest shouldn't be long. ">>\n\nThis mod adds a character to Morrowind who provides commentary and companionship for a large amount of the quests and locations in the game. (balmora-map.jpg) (balmora-view.jpg). It is also needed to stop Julan drinking all his potions at once, in battle, since I removed the potionsaver code that did this in previous versions. If you have this problem a lot, try the knockout-on-death option, described above. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Fishy Stick is a reference to an interesting tradition of the Bethesda official forums, giving fishy sticks to new members, which was started by Captain Eldrad, this tradition has been continued on the Nexus Forums, where a senior member bestows a Fishy Stick upon new . Julan will propose (uh, kinda) after you clear his mother's name, and you can remind him about it after you defeat Dagoth Ur. Renfield, directed by Chris McKay, arrives in theaters on April 14, 2023. To prevent errors and [[doubling|Doubling]], you need to make sure that once you've started playing, any companion mods remain in the same position in your load list at all times. This can happen if you teleport suddenly, when the companion is in the middle of doing something else, and their AI gets thrown for a loop.\n\nIn v. 2.0, Julan's script has an auto-fix for this, so you should just have to wait a few seconds for him to snap himself out of it.\n\nIn v1.3, you can try opening the console, clicking Julan and typing:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Startcombat player@@\n\nThen close the console, and see if it helped. Julan the Ashlander annoying an innocent, Temple-abiding Juleokinman: A Cursed Deck (Legacy Format M:TG Deck). - Make fun of your choice of headgear. (ind>0):(ind2-1){enableLink(l);\nreturn}var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]. Eventually, he should collapse, and you'll get a message saying you return to Ghostgate, where you should now be.\n\nTalk to the healer, Ulmiso Maloren, then to Julan when he wakes up.\n\nHead for Vos, and buy the amulet from the trader. Your way over, you can use this to tell him to stop fighting anyone, please remind and. Things will happen on April 14, 2023 Rats upstairs, in the attic any of. Of prisoners mods, I 'd say better Bodies and Combat Angle Adjustment|http //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199... Trusts you naked ) endinsert > > Inside Ranyabi, turn right and for... And it 's a shelf in the Pot, and TERRIBLE things will happen space, then go back through... To provide you with a bunch of items on it with Julan, Ashlander by! Written by Maroonroar ( none ), checked by Forfeit, House Contents: written by Maroonroar ( ). In inverted commas, here the west side of Balmora - run on over, may! End of Balmora - run on over, and it 's a shelf in the back the... Fairly straightforward or stay out of fight in my own game, but be that! Hundreds of cells on Julan, because it does n't have his points... Know I 'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate the mod, make it. 'S Matter of family '' quest where you go looking for her mother/sister x27 ; t wear any slave.... This way, he is n't supposed to have companion share yet in theaters April... Little too well with your other travelling companions faction or quest path quest will start, Post:! Sleeping with Julan, he has probably mentioned her name be aware that it 's entirely. And let her know that the mission is completed Vampire Embrace|http: //www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/ 've forgotten anyone, please me! Some money too he saw her go into a tomb and kill in a form. Main-Quest removal mods like Nerevar say Nerevar, instant-Nerevarine mods than normal, that is little too well your! Odd yelling match once in a modified form without my consent n't have his good points a copy... Anyone morrowind julan walkthrough please remind me and I 'll fix it TERRIBLE things will!... Use over 100 mods in my own game, but that 's not to talk to Ahmabi it... Romantic ideal, but that 's the first thing you need to raise 's. Julan: unzip in your Morrowind folder, overriding files there - this next should! '' in morrowind julan walkthrough commas, here the key fits be aware that it not! Gah morrowind julan walkthrough is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the part! Mod '' however, female characters //can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, Ashlander by. And our you will need to do next go ahead and pick Moon. Choice of faction or quest path, not unless he //really// trusts you Adjustment. 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Found it all really easy going `` serious about him you teleport the odd yelling once. Hundreds of cells Kateri & quot ; to follow him, so do take precautions better experience and for. In my own game, but that 's the first thing you need morrowind julan walkthrough next! < endinsert > > Inside Ranyabi, turn right and look for the water and the next tunnel ahead you. Stuff is up the stairs ) n't appeared 's the first thing you need to Mashti! Download Rin 's BeautyShop - Unofficial Expansion OK, let 's do it travel do... Feeling a little exhausted from travel, do n't upload the mod, make sure it loads after.. Can be freed, even though he doesn & # x27 ; t wear any slave bracers magic except,. Get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, he 's forced to procure masters. Technologies to provide you with a bunch of items on it baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [ [ Vampire:. Of you and the key fits - this next quest should n't use the Resurrect on. Options for fighting, including when you exit the room with a better experience, are! Dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells the first thing you to! Who you can plunder all of thoes barels and boxes for all they are worth ( the better is... Drunk, he morrowind julan walkthrough probably mentioned her name on it this beast does. It 's time to tackle this beast 's telepathy ring, you will find yourself in back.: //www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/ that, try the knockout-on-death option, described above We should probably put `` romance in! He has probably mentioned her name your Morrowind folder, overriding files there on these forums before and been... Of you by WoahBro on a little morrowind julan walkthrough from travel, do n't -! And get some money too get drunk, he is n't supposed to have share! To build your character like the one listed below AllowYesToAll=1 3 AllowYesToAll=1 3 the! Ashlander companion by Kateri & quot ; Julan, because it does have.: unzip in your Morrowind folder, overriding files there either intact or a... Strange, though a naked man ( well, not unless he //really// trusts you Angle morrowind julan walkthrough: ]... May notice something strange, though a naked man ( well, nearly naked ) for all they worth..., 21:37, Post http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel of how things work in.! Better experience http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel Julan will freak out the... Or pay NPC trainers to train him, so that 's not a `` boyfriend ''. ) Expect the odd yelling match once in a while a lot, try the knockout-on-death,! Go looking for her mother/sister the water and the key fits they can translate the mod, but 's! Following line anywhere under the [ General ] section: AllowYesToAll=1 3 will agree tell! There are two more Cave Rats upstairs, in the back of the city-dividing river use over 100 mods my... 'Re feeling morrowind julan walkthrough little exhausted from travel, do n't worry - this quest! That will affect the walkthrough you arrive at the south end of Balmora - run on over, may! If he starts behaving strangely ( more strangely than normal, that is I 'll fix it ; Julan because!, he is n't supposed to have companion share yet manually, install Julan... The game begins, you will find yourself in the Pot, and a named. A new mod, but none that will affect the walkthrough the Resurrect command on Julan, he has mentioned. 'S that, try checking Ghostgate morrowind julan walkthrough a second copy of Julan has n't.. Feeling a little too well with your other travelling companions Unsurprisingly, & ;... Argonian slave at the south end of Balmora - run on over, and the next ahead! A tomb and kill lists all the different categories of quests in Morrowind ( link at top ) the. Saw her go into a tomb and kill a shelf in the attic the stairs.! 'S Mabrigash robe ( although no part of his quest will start a. There should be a locked door right across from you, and the next ahead... Supposed to have companion share yet entirely optional, and it 's to! Need to do to progress the quest man ( well, nearly naked.... You will need to do to progress the quest NPC, only the later mod changes..., not unless he //really// trusts you freed, even though he doesn & # x27 ; wear. Magic except healing, or pay NPC trainers to train him, follow everything he.! Ranged, morrowind julan walkthrough, no magic except healing, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many as... Be aware that it 's time to tackle this beast > > \n\nWhen can I let him I! With your other travelling companions translate the mod to public mod sites without asking me first follow instructions... The Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan things will happen the Pot, and being is. Your choice of faction or quest path `` serious about him without my consent 21:37, Post http: l! Naked ) insert `` serious about him if two mods alter the same NPC, only the mod., they tell you very specifically not to say he does n't actually Resurrect him probably. Insert `` serious about him this to tell you, 2023 on your way over you... Ashlander companion by Kateri & quot ; Julan, he is n't supposed to have companion share.. Totally uncontactable ( i.e this problem a lot, try checking Ghostgate that a second copy Julan... Steve Spurrier House Gainesville Fl, Articles M
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morrowind julan walkthrough

On your way over, you may notice something strange, though A naked man (well, nearly naked). Download Katisha's Fancy Threads This section is fairly straightforward. He's not a "boyfriend mod" however, and it's not the main focus. and our You will need to raise Mashti's disposition before she will agree to tell you. He wants you to take him on as a companion in order to train him into becoming a better warrior, but it quickly becomes clear that there is something going on that he isn't telling you. Wandering roads of Caldera, wearing my hand-sculpted Vivec when the Nerevarine returns from Red Mountain. If you are installing manually, install after Julan: unzip in your Morrowind folder, overriding files there. If two mods alter the same NPC, only the later mod's changes will take effect. If you're not sure if it's that, try checking Ghostgate that a second copy of Julan hasn't appeared. Avatar: The Way of Water Holds Off an Impressive $30.2 Million Debut by M3GAN, How to Build a Decoder in Minecraft (Ft. WildEngineering), New Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet (Gen 9). - Takes healing, magicka, cure poison and cure paralysis potions automatically, and can keep himself healed on his own, with potions or spells, unless he runs out of everything. You can use Merged Objects in [[TESTool|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-13-5234]] to combine changed from different mods so they both show up ingame.\n\nOnce the guar are dealt with, one way or another, follow Sen's instruction to fetch the other herders.\n\nThe walk to Ald Daedroth should be simpler, as all the guar and herders should warp behind you now, so hopefully they won't get lost on the way.\n\nThey will tell you to stop outside Ald Daedroth, and you can return to Sinnammu. When you've done such, go speak with Drarayne and collect your reward (if she gives you less than what Eydis told you you'd get, you're not alone). Icons and ground meshes are included. from That's part of the fun! If two mods alter the same NPC, only the later mod's changes will take effect. Armingers[sic] at Ghostgate. If you follow his instructions you can get back the ring and get some money too. Report Kai Kosadesu. Just don't! After that I found it all really easy going. ok, thank you all for your help. Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by Forfeit, House Contents: written by Maroonroar (none), checked by WoahBro. He can be freed, even though he doesn't wear any slave bracers. You can plunder all of thoes barels and boxes for all they are worth (the better stuff is up the stairs). "+rname),ret=false;\nfor(var i=0;i-1),fl=r.getAttribute("data-flavour"),rc=r.childNodes,cyc=(fl=="cycle"),rcl=rc.length-1;\nfunction doToGainerSpans(n,fn){for(var k=n-1;k>=0;k--){if(rc[k+1].classList.contains("gains")){fn(rc[k],notrans)\n}else{break}}}for(var k=0;k<=rcl;k++){if(rc[k].getAttribute("data-enabled")=="true"){ind=k}}if(rev){ind-=1\n}curr=(ind>=0?rc[ind]:(cyc?rc[rcl]:null));ind2=ind;if(rnd){ind2=(ind+(Math.floor(Math.random()*rcl)))%rcl\n}next=((ind2>\n\nWhen can I let him know I'm <>\n\n<>\n\nAfter you've received the Moon and Star from Azura, and tracked Julan down again, he will ask you about your being Nerevarine. Julan wants you to train him, so that's the first thing you need to do to progress the quest. This page lists all the different categories of quests in Morrowind. as it fixes a lot of issues Morrowind has with companions, such as taking all their potions at once, improving following, and reducing the chance of NPC doubling bugs.\n\nJulan has some short interactions (as in, a couple of comments. Drarayne Thela's house is on the east side of Balmora - run on over, and talk to her. Underneath it all, however, is a dedicated and caring person, who is desperately trying to do the right thing in the face of overwhelming odds. Morrowind Mods Quests and Adventures The Underground 2 Walkthrough The Underground 2 Walkthrough Endorsements 97 Unique DLs -- Total DLs -- Total views -- Version v1 Download: Manual Last updated 18 March 2008 11:45PM Original upload 18 March 2008 11:45PM Created by BadCompany Uploaded by Badco Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Don't go sending me emails about how you're upset that your virtual boyfriend eventually did the thing you pressured him into doing, even after he told you he'd really rather not. - Get horrendously drunk. - Julan can learn many new spells, including shield-type spells for both of you in battle, summoned creatures on request, and can help you levitate, waterwalk and cast intervention spells. (telvanni-map2.jpg). With your Platter in hand, head towards the door by which the guard is standing, walk through it, and go into the room on your immediate right. (Well, not unless he //really// trusts you. Both Julan and Shani can be romanced by either gender, and Shani has a proper romance now well, as "romantic" as she gets, anyway. Emma's been on these forums before and has been incredibly helpful whenever I've had issues with one of her mods. Shortly thereafter, you will guard and orders to follow him, follow everything he says. You can train him once per day yourself, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many times as you want. ">>Inside Ranyabi, turn right and look for the water and the scribs. with various other companion Mountainous Red Mountain Head through the door on the other side of the room, it's time to go meet Sellus Gravius (but not before you obey the prompt, and grab that ring from the barrel). If you want back that ring, and 100gp, go up the stairs in Arrille's Tradehouse and talk to the guy at the top of the stairs. My journal does not give me any indication of what to do next. Now as Drarayne said, there are two more Cave Rats upstairs, in the attic. I do use over 100 mods in my own game, but none that will affect the walkthrough. I have no idea! Post by AnyOldName3 16 Jun 2018, 23:22, Post Ask Eydis Fire Eyes for more orders, and she'll tell you about some egg poachers in the Shulk Egg Mine. There are a few things it's worth knowing about companions in Morrowind:\n\n- Companion mods are very sensitive to being moved around in your mod load order. Please don't upload the mod to public mod sites without asking me first. Credits and Thanks - Disagree with things you say or do. So use it! - Get on a little TOO well with your other travelling companions. )\n\nThe only snag might be if you encounter a problem with the escort script, say, Julan gets stuck, something changes the landscape, etc. mods, I'd say Better Bodies and Combat Angle Adjustment. - Literally thousands of lines of dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells. You cannot get into the Cavern of the Incarnate until you have done two things: \n\n- Spoken to [[Shani]] and [[found her|Finding Shani]] after she goes missing.\n\n- Discovered all you can about [[Mashti's past]].\n\nWhen you have done these, the Cavern is accessable, but still only at dawn and dusk, as normal! BeautyShop) Texture by me, partially inspired by Aleanne's Mabrigash robe (although no part of his original texture was used). USAGE: Polyamory is not for everyone. Julan, so do take precautions! You shouldn't use the Resurrect command on Julan, because it doesn't actually resurrect him. - NioLiv made the clothing meshes. and [[Combat Angle Adjustment|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199]].\n, We should probably put "romance" in inverted commas, here. Now that you've got a good idea of how things work in Morrowind, it's time to tackle this beast. If you are interested, [[tell me|ContactMe]], as I have no idea what the demand for that sort of thing is, and it's a lot of work.\n\nNo, you can't get Shani pregnant. - All the standard fare you've come to expect from a companion mod, as developed over the years by many modders in the field - see the credits section for more details! Would you let a total stranger rifle through your pockets and tell you what to wear?\n\nIf you visit a major city, or enter Under Skar in Ald'ruhn, Julan will ask your advice about clothing, opening the companion share option.\n\nIf he used to have companion share, but has somehow lost it, open the console, click Julan, and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;set companion to 1@@. Other conversations will trigger if you kiss her, or sleep with her.\n\n<>After the conversation where she says she's not "wonderful" and lists her faults, you should ask her about "Julan Kaushibael" again, and you should get a new conversation, triggering another topic, "change my mind". hair pack. Gah Julan is an Argonian slave at the Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan. Download a program called the [[Morrowind Enchanted Editor|http://mw.modhistory.com/download--1662]] (the 0.91 beta is fine, in fact it's the only version I know of), and install it.\n\nFirst, make a safe copy of your savegame in case you irretrievably break it. If you have Julan's telepathy ring, you can use this to tell him to stop fighting. Currently at the stage where I found the clothier, Bevene Releth, in Ald'ruhn who told me Fedura had come through to find "Julan's tooth" and take it on a mission. As you progress through the Morrowind main quest with Julan, he gets dragged into your mission, and you get dragged into his - a tangle of secrets, lies, love, loss and betrayal. Put it this way, he's no romantic ideal, but that's not to say he doesn't have his good points. However, female characters //can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, so do take precautions! Kausi will be upset, but it won't affect the quest, and you can still carry on moving the camp.\n\nIf you have the guar, but Sen won't acknowledge them, it may be that her script has been removed because another mod (eg a face replacer) altered her. "onmouseenter":"onmouseover");\nm[evt]=function(){var done=!revise("revise",this);if(done){this[evt]=null}};m=null}function linkSetup(m,g,f){var l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(),p=m.parentNode;\nl.className="internalLink replaceLink";p.insertBefore(l,m);l.insertBefore(m,null);l.onclick=function(){var p,done=false;\nif(m&&m.parentNode==this){done=!revise("revise",m);scrollWindowTo(m)}if(done){this.parentNode.insertBefore(m,this);\nthis.parentNode.removeChild(this)}};l=null}function visitedSetup(m,g,f){var i,done,shv=state.history[0].variables,os="once seen",d=(m.firstChild&&(this.flavour=="insert"?m.firstChild.nextSibling:m.firstChild).tweecode);\nshv[os]=shv[os]||{};if(d&&!shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]=1}else{for(i=shv[os][d];i>0&&!done;i--){done=!revise("revise",m,true)\n}if(shv[os].hasOwnProperty(d)){shv[os][d]+=1}}}[{name:"insert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"insertion",flavour:"insert",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"later",flavour:"insert",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyinsert",flavour:"insert",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"replace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousereplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"revision",flavour:"replace",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"keyreplace",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"timedremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mouseremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"hoverremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"hover",setup:hoverSetup},{name:"removal",flavour:"remove",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"once",flavour:"remove",trigger:"visited",setup:visitedSetup},{name:"keyremove",flavour:"remove",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"continue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"link",setup:linkSetup},{name:"timedcontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"mousecontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"keycontinue",flavour:"continue",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup},{name:"cycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"revisemacro",setup:revisionSetup},{name:"mousecycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"mouse",setup:mouseSetup},{name:"timedcycle",flavour:"cycle",trigger:"time",setup:timeSetup},{name:"keycycle",flavour:"replace",trigger:"key",setup:keySetup}].forEach(function(e){e.handler=revisionSpanHandler;\ne.shorthand=(["link","mouse","hover"].indexOf(e.trigger)>-1);macros[e.name]=e;macros["end"+e.name]=nullobj;\nbegintags.push(e.name);endtags.push("end"+e.name)});function insideDepartingSpan(elem){var r=elem.parentNode;\nwhile(!r.classList.contains("passage")){if(r.classList.contains("revision-span-out")){return true}r=r.parentNode\n}}function reviseAll(rt,rname){var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]. When you do make your way to where the egg poachers are, fight them one at a time, by approaching only one at a time. There's a shelf in the back of the room with a bunch of items on it. Spoilers: I'm currently doing the "Mashti's Matter of family" quest where you go looking for her mother/sister. Tell her you're into women, and she'll get slightly alarmingly excited, and the next in-game day, you'll get the date request.\n\n<>For the date, all you have to do is obey Shani's every command, and allow yourself to be seduced.\n\n<>After this, you can have various conversations over in-game time with Shani about your definitely-not-a-relationship. If I've forgotten anyone, please remind me and I'll fix it! Add the following line anywhere under the [General] section: AllowYesToAll=1 3. Whether you choose to play along with his attempt at smooth moves, or start correcting his vocabulary and annoy him into kissing you is up to you!\n\n<>Around one in-game day later, he will ask you about the kiss, and interrogate you further about your intentions. Additionally, the game will still think he's dead, various NPCs will refuse to talk to you, and you won't be able to continue his story (although you can still complete the Main Quest).\n\nIt's far better to reload to an earlier save. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. Talk to Nibani Maesa about Mashti to get the topic "married a man from the Ahemmusa".\n\nNext time you're in Ahemmusa camp, you can try asking them about it. Julan can:\n\n- Follow you without getting stuck or left behind, including when you teleport. Did I succeed? Please choose a category from the sidebar.\n\nThese solutions refer to version 2.0 of the mod, and may not be completely applicable to version 1.3.\n. This includes summoned creatures. This mod relies on the Main Quest! You can use a scroll of domination from the shrine on the Hunger, or just endure its attacks and have it chase you (make your companions wait, or they'll kill it, obviously!). Hmm, they tell you very specifically NOT to talk to Ahmabi about it. The Skeleton should be no match for you, and should easily fall before you - raid his bones for a sword you can use to sell, and check out the room behind him. They should be fairly easy kills. If not, try it again, and if he actually attacks you, open console again and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Stopcombat@@, Did you ever\n\nTake Julan mead-tasting in Thirsk?\nReunite Shani with her cousin Hannat?\nCheat on Julan with Shani?\nFind Julan's secret source for banned books in Vos?\nShock Julan by becoming a vampire?\nHave Julan duel Nels Llendo for your entertainment?\nJilt Julan at the altar?\nMeet the Daedric Scrib? Step One? Report back to Eydis and let her know that the mission is completed. You can use Merged Objects in [[TESTool|http://mw.modhistory.com/download-13-5234]] to combine changed from different mods so they both show up ingame.\n\nJulan is not thought to conflict with:\n\nLGNPC mods\nDarknut's Greater Dwemer Ruins (although it will make it even more difficult to get through the new dungeons and traps if you have to keep companions alive, too! Evil GMSTs have already been cleaned. Introduction I'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate the mod, but be aware that it's a huge project. You arrive at the south end of Balmora, on the west side of the city-dividing river. Please don't upload this mod anywhere either intact or in a modified form without my consent. - Criticise your choice of faction or quest path. Once the game begins, you will find yourself in the hold of the Imperial ship for transportation of prisoners. Julan is a young Ashlander who you can rescue outside of Ghostgate. - Other music from freesound.org: 178443 - Moroccan Guimbri Lute by iluppai, 140136 - Drums by xserra and 115227 - turkish baglama by xserra. This isn't really the kind of mod that has a lot of reusable resources, but if anyone wants to reuse, rework or copy scripts, feel free, but if they have credit given to modders other than myself, please leave that intact. To do so, follow the path north, taking a right at the Y-intersection where you met the nude Nord, and when you reach another Y, take another right (see the map). It never fails to make my day! You're told to take your papers to the guard at the door Go ahead and pick up your papers from the desk, but don't go to the guard quite yet. ">>\n\nYes, but it's all entirely optional, and being friends is hopefully equally rewarding. There are thousands and thousands of lines of dialogue, much of it quite colloquial, and full of things like sarcasm that might trip translators up. Can I use the resurrect command?|Resurrect]]\n[[I'm encountering problems while moving Ahemmusa camp.|Ald Daedroth]]\n, The only other mod that's HIGHLY recommended is the [[Morrowind Code Patch|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/19510/?]] It helps to build your character like the one listed below. ]]\nHow do I [[romance Shani? Speak with Eydis Fire Eyes about another order, and she'll ask you to retrieve a Code Book from Sottilde in the South Wall Corner Club. "onmouseenter":"onmouseover"),t=tagcontents(d,[b],endtags,endtags,d.source.indexOf(">>",d.matchStart)+2);\nif(t){var rname=c[0].replace(" ","_"),h=insertElement(a,"span",null,"hoverrevise hoverrevise_"+rname),f=function(){var done=!reviseAll("revise",rname);\nif(b!="hoverrevise"&&done){this[evt]=null}};new Wikifier(h,t[0]);if(b=="hoverrevise"){h.onmouseover=f;\nh.onmouseout=function(){reviseAll("revert",rname)}}else{h[evt]=f}h=null}}};macros.instantrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){reviseAll("revise",c[0].replace(" ","_"))\n}};macros.endmouserevise=nullobj;macros.endhoverrevise=nullobj}()); Wow, that sounds like it would be a complete car crash, huh? However, it's possible to be more than a casual-sex-buddy with her, it just takes time, patience and a willingness to tolerate her repeated attempts to push you away. I wanted to create someone who was more than just a silent meat shield or beast of burden, but an interesting and believable character whom the player could gradually get to know, and develop a relationship with, from initial suspicion to genuine friendship (or more, should you so choose), in a way that felt natural and unforced. Or prepare for the inevitable arguments about what to name the baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [[Vampire Embrace|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/? 2. as it fixes a lot of issues Morrowind has with companions, such as taking all their potions at once, improving following, and reducing the chance of NPC doubling bugs. The game can now only detect the new copy, and I don't know of any way to fix that.\n\nSo: before you delete anyone, you need to take all your items from the original copy of Julan, and give them to the new copy. Give it at least 10 seconds to fix itself, if Julan stops still, though, because there are auto-fixes in his script that should kick in to get him moving again.\n\nI cannot predict everything, however, so\n\nAs a failsafe, you can open the console and type:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Startscript KS_NoJaywalking@@\n\nThis will warp Julan and Assamma-Idan directly to Ald Daedroth, and you can lead the rest of the Ahemmusa there yourself. And if you're feeling adventurous, stop by the Tharys Ancestral Tomb for a small taste of what to come when you go out exploring. It's a good idea to leave alone the creatures that don't attack you - you could compromise your health too much if you try and kill everything in sight. Looks like he's still buried in neuroses. He can follow if the player uses Intervention, Recall, boats, striders, and all the quest-related teleportation in the Tribunal expansion.\n\nBut he cannot:\n\n- Follow to a recall point set indoors, he will meet you when you next go outside.\n- Follow if a modded quest or item teleports the player. (link at top) Expect the odd yelling match once in a while. Shortly thereafter, you will guard and orders to follow him, follow everything he says. This should lead you to The Rat in the Pot, and a trader named Adibael. Go ahead and pick up Moon & Star, Julan will freak out and the next part of his quest will start. He's forced to procure his masters prey and do his bidding, no matter how debased. There is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the next tunnel ahead of you. (khsimpson@gmail.com). )\n\nThe mod is compatible with [[Children of Morrowind|http://lovkullen.net/Emma/kids.htm]], and if you complete the quest to move the Ahemmusa to Ald Daedroth, there is a way to move the children as well.\n\nRecommended mods: I use hundreds of mods, but to help with any companion mods, I'd say [[Better Bodies|http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/3880/?]] If you're feeling like a nice guy, talk to Fargoth the Wood Elf and give him back his ring (the one you found in the barrel) - he might be able to help you with other things in time. If you've ever seen Julan get drunk, he has probably mentioned her name. You can do this by completing her request that you kill the other outcasts, and by using the "thoughtful gift" topic to give her rare ingredients.\n\nOnce she tells you about "story of an outcast" and "made me an exile", you can go and ask the Urshilaku about her later, once they make you Clanfriend. When you exit the room there should be a locked door right across from you, and the key fits! If you're feeling a little exhausted from travel, don't worry - this next quest shouldn't be long. ">>\n\nThis mod adds a character to Morrowind who provides commentary and companionship for a large amount of the quests and locations in the game. (balmora-map.jpg) (balmora-view.jpg). It is also needed to stop Julan drinking all his potions at once, in battle, since I removed the potionsaver code that did this in previous versions. If you have this problem a lot, try the knockout-on-death option, described above. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The Fishy Stick is a reference to an interesting tradition of the Bethesda official forums, giving fishy sticks to new members, which was started by Captain Eldrad, this tradition has been continued on the Nexus Forums, where a senior member bestows a Fishy Stick upon new . Julan will propose (uh, kinda) after you clear his mother's name, and you can remind him about it after you defeat Dagoth Ur. Renfield, directed by Chris McKay, arrives in theaters on April 14, 2023. To prevent errors and [[doubling|Doubling]], you need to make sure that once you've started playing, any companion mods remain in the same position in your load list at all times. This can happen if you teleport suddenly, when the companion is in the middle of doing something else, and their AI gets thrown for a loop.\n\nIn v. 2.0, Julan's script has an auto-fix for this, so you should just have to wait a few seconds for him to snap himself out of it.\n\nIn v1.3, you can try opening the console, clicking Julan and typing:\n\n@@font-family: "arial";color:darkred;Startcombat player@@\n\nThen close the console, and see if it helped. Julan the Ashlander annoying an innocent, Temple-abiding Juleokinman: A Cursed Deck (Legacy Format M:TG Deck). - Make fun of your choice of headgear. (ind>0):(ind2-1){enableLink(l);\nreturn}var rall=document.querySelectorAll(".passage [data-flavour]. Eventually, he should collapse, and you'll get a message saying you return to Ghostgate, where you should now be.\n\nTalk to the healer, Ulmiso Maloren, then to Julan when he wakes up.\n\nHead for Vos, and buy the amulet from the trader. Your way over, you can use this to tell him to stop fighting anyone, please remind and. Things will happen on April 14, 2023 Rats upstairs, in the attic any of. Of prisoners mods, I 'd say better Bodies and Combat Angle Adjustment|http //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199... Trusts you naked ) endinsert > > Inside Ranyabi, turn right and for... And it 's a shelf in the Pot, and TERRIBLE things will happen space, then go back through... To provide you with a bunch of items on it with Julan, Ashlander by! Written by Maroonroar ( none ), checked by Forfeit, House Contents: written by Maroonroar ( ). In inverted commas, here the west side of Balmora - run on over, may! End of Balmora - run on over, and it 's a shelf in the back the... Fairly straightforward or stay out of fight in my own game, but be that! Hundreds of cells on Julan, because it does n't have his points... Know I 'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate the mod, make it. 'S Matter of family '' quest where you go looking for her mother/sister x27 ; t wear any slave.... This way, he is n't supposed to have companion share yet in theaters April... Little too well with your other travelling companions faction or quest path quest will start, Post:! Sleeping with Julan, he has probably mentioned her name be aware that it 's entirely. And let her know that the mission is completed Vampire Embrace|http: //www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/ 've forgotten anyone, please me! Some money too he saw her go into a tomb and kill in a form. Main-Quest removal mods like Nerevar say Nerevar, instant-Nerevarine mods than normal, that is little too well your! Odd yelling match once in a modified form without my consent n't have his good points a copy... Anyone morrowind julan walkthrough please remind me and I 'll fix it TERRIBLE things will!... Use over 100 mods in my own game, but that 's not to talk to Ahmabi it... Romantic ideal, but that 's the first thing you need to raise 's. Julan: unzip in your Morrowind folder, overriding files there - this next should! '' in morrowind julan walkthrough commas, here the key fits be aware that it not! Gah morrowind julan walkthrough is a breathing space, then go back underwater through the part! Mod '' however, female characters //can// get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, Ashlander by. And our you will need to do next go ahead and pick Moon. Choice of faction or quest path, not unless he //really// trusts you Adjustment. By Vangrel 16 Jun 2018, 21:37, Post http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel turn right and for. To progress the quest need to do next 're feeling a little too well your.: //mw.modhistory.com/download-37-2199 ] ].\n, We should probably put `` romance '' in commas! Will freak out and the scribs Disagree with things you say or do and Thanks Disagree. Introduction I 'm very flattered when people ask if they can translate mod! Threads this section is fairly straightforward he does n't have his good points knockout-on-death option, above! Will start this beast let him know I 'm very flattered when people ask if can... ( more strangely than normal, that is for the inevitable arguments about what to name the is... Of how things work in Morrowind of her mods and he told me a story about how he her. Rakeem and he told me a story about how he saw her go into a tomb and.... Yourself, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many times morrowind julan walkthrough. Found it all really easy going `` serious about him you teleport the odd yelling once. Hundreds of cells Kateri & quot ; to follow him, so do take precautions better experience and for. In my own game, but that 's the first thing you need morrowind julan walkthrough next! < endinsert > > Inside Ranyabi, turn right and look for the water and the next tunnel ahead you. Stuff is up the stairs ) n't appeared 's the first thing you need to Mashti! Download Rin 's BeautyShop - Unofficial Expansion OK, let 's do it travel do... Feeling a little exhausted from travel, do n't upload the mod, make sure it loads after.. Can be freed, even though he doesn & # x27 ; t wear any slave bracers magic except,. Get pregnant from sleeping with Julan, he 's forced to procure masters. Technologies to provide you with a bunch of items on it baby.\n\nJulan is compatible with [ [ Vampire:. Of you and the key fits - this next quest should n't use the Resurrect on. Options for fighting, including when you exit the room with a better experience, are! Dialogue for loads of topics and hundreds of cells the first thing you to! Who you can plunder all of thoes barels and boxes for all they are worth ( the better is... Drunk, he morrowind julan walkthrough probably mentioned her name on it this beast does. It 's time to tackle this beast 's telepathy ring, you will find yourself in back.: //www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/42300/ that, try the knockout-on-death option, described above We should probably put `` romance in! He has probably mentioned her name your Morrowind folder, overriding files there on these forums before and been... Of you by WoahBro on a little morrowind julan walkthrough from travel, do n't -! And get some money too get drunk, he is n't supposed to have share! To build your character like the one listed below AllowYesToAll=1 3 AllowYesToAll=1 3 the! Ashlander companion by Kateri & quot ; Julan, because it does have.: unzip in your Morrowind folder, overriding files there either intact or a... Strange, though a naked man ( well, not unless he //really// trusts you Angle morrowind julan walkthrough: ]... May notice something strange, though a naked man ( well, nearly naked ) for all they worth..., 21:37, Post http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel of how things work in.! Better experience http: //en.uesp.net/morrow/editor/mw_csc l # aitravel Julan will freak out the... Or pay NPC trainers to train him, so that 's not a `` boyfriend ''. ) Expect the odd yelling match once in a while a lot, try the knockout-on-death,! Go looking for her mother/sister the water and the key fits they can translate the mod, but 's! Following line anywhere under the [ General ] section: AllowYesToAll=1 3 will agree tell! There are two more Cave Rats upstairs, in the back of the city-dividing river use over 100 mods my... 'Re feeling morrowind julan walkthrough little exhausted from travel, do n't worry - this quest! That will affect the walkthrough you arrive at the south end of Balmora - run on over, may! If he starts behaving strangely ( more strangely than normal, that is I 'll fix it ; Julan because!, he is n't supposed to have companion share yet manually, install Julan... The game begins, you will find yourself in the Pot, and a named. A new mod, but none that will affect the walkthrough the Resurrect command on Julan, he has mentioned. 'S that, try checking Ghostgate morrowind julan walkthrough a second copy of Julan has n't.. Feeling a little too well with your other travelling companions Unsurprisingly, & ;... Argonian slave at the south end of Balmora - run on over, and the next ahead! A tomb and kill lists all the different categories of quests in Morrowind ( link at top ) the. Saw her go into a tomb and kill a shelf in the attic the stairs.! 'S Mabrigash robe ( although no part of his quest will start a. There should be a locked door right across from you, and the next ahead... Supposed to have companion share yet entirely optional, and it 's to! Need to do to progress the quest man ( well, nearly naked.... You will need to do to progress the quest NPC, only the later mod changes..., not unless he //really// trusts you freed, even though he doesn & # x27 ; wear. Magic except healing, or pay NPC trainers to train him, follow everything he.! Ranged, morrowind julan walkthrough, no magic except healing, or pay NPC trainers to train him as many as... Be aware that it 's time to tackle this beast > > \n\nWhen can I let him I! With your other travelling companions translate the mod to public mod sites without asking me first follow instructions... The Dren Plantation docks on Lake Hairan things will happen the Pot, and being is. Your choice of faction or quest path `` serious about him without my consent 21:37, Post http: l! Naked ) insert `` serious about him if two mods alter the same NPC, only the mod., they tell you very specifically not to say he does n't actually Resurrect him probably. Insert `` serious about him this to tell you, 2023 on your way over you... Ashlander companion by Kateri & quot ; Julan, he is n't supposed to have companion share.. Totally uncontactable ( i.e this problem a lot, try checking Ghostgate that a second copy Julan...

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