CMeuKpUn5q+U/wBBWuszySWtveO6QRThEkIilSKRyeZjVU9UMxL/AGcVTsebPKxt/rI1mxNv631X BxC+KI95apZaPIlDz+d5UEJi8v6tL6g5SA2rKUX0hK3jVwW4Be7VFe+SGm/pR+aDm8ioaP8AmHHq Both the First and Second Truth of Recovery contain an "Inventory", in which participants are asked a detailed set of questions to first identify the suffering caused by addiction, and then the causes behind addiction. td#_f((LPoA &VL 3 p&Vai j@"vxb4DIQ^@ 0% e+[w@:c&V#(~.4XZf *A%fUL!IF3(~&X9@ 8}x@ f g!HQ|Z@ f`\L*3BaP ".&*BP,X. Up#.2((-E(#@CigP*F$@ NbFL@@ (PHHrK".8J/D_bGH"`$7fH)iDH oPDwZ(jw+W!2VAr. Bold Recovery Dharma is a peer-led movement and community that is unified by our trust in the potential of each of us to recover and find freedom from the suffering of addiction. Noah goes into vast detail as to each of these Truths and as to the Eightfold Path and explains how we can use these as our tools for awakening. txayQxyO2mWtrHZz3E2nyymWS34XhDsSXBlVCxlqacuJrQ4q9j8sDWhoFiNbLNqwiH1xmESsXqdy C=100 M=90 Y=0 K=0 The first part is guided by a leader, then there is silence. 0000014744 00000 n The book was written by the founder of Refuge Recovery, Noah Levine. x]#E}H$/T| !4K8>s#vEj#cqSTBlN/'A~x?NO._oO/'$NZ0>w]?Qjd.G,7d}%uzXe?I)\~o|=S|(v^~,|3:j.&s_5}lQn>mB{MI!/Cr`/M-.O-y6&!ogSKr4=s_>/Jz.Rnjp|>/ :ie/3~wZMF p.6XBWe!I%xVb2.&q Active addiction is a kind of hell. The traces of a wheat-and-barley-based alcohol were found in stone mortars carved into the cave floor. 100.000000 The core purpose of each group is to make the Refuge Recovery program available to all those still suffering from addiction. Refuge Recovery - Second Truth Inventory Part 2 Write an in-depth and detailed inventory about the difficulties that you have been trying to avoid. It is called Buddhist inspired because it uses the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, heart practices, and insight meditation techniques that are used by traditional Buddhist communities, but . 0.000000 UnpepLzfqyipTlyJ+L7JGKrpPzC/N+O2sJB5bWQ3cayXPGwvQbeqR8+UfqlmKOWPDZmHwjdSSqrS JNSuw6qe3ElVTl/O7y5HDPI2mal/o6QSyIFtS3p3QrE+1xTcUNCeQqNsVVtV/Mx9K87yaNcW5m08 0000061959 00000 n I have had a hard time not saying anything for twenty minutes. Second Truth Inventory. Going to try to power through another Sunday.. 0000055589 00000 n TrueType C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90 We take stock of the suffering we have experienced and caused as addicts. PROCESS 100.000000 3. Black 20.000000 MGu2h'zq$ PROCESS The cause of addiction is repetitive craving, 3. FanRtsVRNx518o213JaXGsWcU0KyNPzmQLF6LxxyLK5PCNg86DixB36Yqp2fnnyxeaxd6XBfwvJa It is based in Los Angeles, California. PROCESS Refuge Recovery is a community of people who are using the practices of mindfulness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity to heal the pain and suffering that addiction has caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. << /Pages 24 0 R /Type /Catalog >> C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0 "The oldest verifiable brewery has been found in a prehistoric burial site in a cave near Haifa in modern-day Israel. 80.000000 Refuge Recovery is based on a foundation of The Four Noble Truths, listed verbatim here: Addiction creates suffering. He begins the book by asking the reader to do an in depth inventory, itemizing all the ways they have caused themselves and others suffering over the course of their addiction. VdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVSDVfNx0+7nt/0Jqt56BjHrWlsJI39RC9UbmteNKN77ZfD 0.000000 CMYK The path to recovery is available. Oswald-Bold.ttf % The book that is the basis for our recovery program includes detailed guidance of how to recover using the Buddhist practice of The Four Truths and Eightfold Path of Refuge Recovery, written investigations that explore the causes and conditions of our addictions, daily meditation practices, personal stories of recovery, advice and inspiration for finding or creating community and a format for Refuge Recovery meetings. qLXMgDJAkULMVLKhNfV4/DI4Rt9j/kkEqr3/ADg05tMvL620i9b6g1qbmGYwRt6N2jSrJGVllRj6 View fullsize. 0000011590 00000 n Members are encouraged to attend silent meditation retreats of increasing lengths as their years of abstinence and practice grow. HVY6~0pI(`a@mQE/V+1w-rE pO'3L}i \GB!IeX 3iKxlb Uz?WV7("Y.!o`e? H RY2e1dJT1 \s0B8EL*(RZ;-dg0gQxmX [0w&T Fee=5Z&M"-=K528d>8HCH6hR {hhU3V/Q9#qkm?q=T#g21em>+:Fy{+R 0.000000 Founder Four Foundations Consulting, Sober Companion, Recovery Coach, Case Management . A guinea pig, a fortnight old, was placed in the best temp for cbd oil jar holding 428 cubic inches, and eighty two grains of amylene aurora drift cbd gummies were introduced on blotting cbd gummies altoona pa paper. 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo endstream C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0 3taBJHElBzt3pQqN+uwrXFXXf5E+VLuSeWa+1AyXEbROwe2WivNLMeAEFF3uZBQClD0qAcVTgfll It is establishing and maintaining the practice of abstaining from satisfying the cravings for the substances and behaviors that we have become addicted to. K^}"` (@30H3(\GC( ,^XZ%y/:uBj &00G We assemble in chairs, a few people sitting on meditation cushions. 0000006862 00000 n 9cRfW1G+1H0/qdafXkVPTJ9cVoFo7U+MbbdcVWwfkEIrJbX9MxSFbRbQTPY1ccZzNyB9fYUanHxo endstream 35.000000 The Refuge Recovery program does not ask anyone to believe anythingonly to trust the process and do the hard work of recovery. jFW8VdirsVYLeeQb648qeZNH1nWbd4dba4uLjUUtGt5I/UKlWlZriRHEMcaoNl+FV8N1Uq8pflLo Yq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXkp8meYpPJvnbR7PR 0.000000 Dharma Talk Refuge Recovery May 7, 2020 fourth truth. XFUgP/OM37iSEeZSyyWAsSXs+R58HT1/78fHxcL/AKopXwVTvUPyJS8u4JzrCpHCl/H6AtKoy3wp The traces of a wheat-and-barley-based alcohol were found in stone mortars carved into the cave floor. 75.000000 0000004571 00000 n CMYK 100.000000 drF4u3miyjvbi0eso4xLDQHb919onrvjpTARkf8AKDirn3fJcvFYH8OyZ+T/ACzeJaaL5l06VUkK False .Pbbz(((;6H{P0tGAA dad54@D@AQc> sVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirs 100.000000 CMYK If the teachings and practices offered here resonate with you as true and useful, we invite you to take refuge in this process of awakening, truth, and community. xc```b````a`jf`0$2aj pC1>]5ap _00 K rsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdir I am struggling today. This process of craving and indulgence provides short-term relief but causes long-term harm. 0.000000 0000014674 00000 n AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA 0DWvzgvfNq2V3DPBptjPa/pDnb2yB45Ii0vGY0Vgr7N6XI/ymh2VV9N0/wDN3h5kt7+S4+qm5D6B Default Swatch Group Everything you need is in the book or on the website. C=0 M=35 Y=85 K=0 ,NcfLWEqdnO%[: s>xI&H;5tC/4C&MLNDAA?G:j6I)(((~!O45 9 It is suggested to begin practicing the Refuge Recovery program using the guidelines established on page seventy-four of the Refuge Recovery book. 100.000000 RR Gold The power to recover is said to rest within each individual, given that he or she is willing to do the work of following the path of recovery. 0000002256 00000 n Trying to settle down for the night.. Beginning th My first day here.. 2aM^ 0.000000 That is what Refuge Recovery is all about. These principles are the basis for the program of Refuge Recovery. These are not Steps, but rather they are to be practiced at all times throughout ones life. CMYK Recovery Investigation: . 0.000000 0.000000 10.000000 CMYK CMYK This leads to seeing clearly and healing the root causes and conditions that lead to the suffering of addiction. PkPUjHHirDgKquzVCqrqP5c+f9R0TQtMu9ZSSK0g1CDWonvLtxdfWGH1VpJCnKYooo3MKoJPEU2x Mediation is a cornerstone of the Refuge Recovery program. First Truth Inventory. Six other operators also service this route. PROCESS 3: We can fully recover and enjoy a life of sanity and well-being. 6J5ptNL1Dy/e6V6NnqJui2o/WIj6frRcFHpKWY7qO/fHT4skYmBjtK97Hd3LknEkSB5LfLvl/wA6 Refuge Recovery begins with the First Truth: addiction creates suffering. RR Online Meeting Format -60 Minutes. The meeting begins with twenty minutes of meditation. 0000001216 00000 n << /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 3156 >> Meetings and Support S1VRPlhfz6tNZ0/9Mp9Z0G3LLc26PYvPIggYLzkdg7HkEoedS/PkePHFXrmKuxV2KuxV2KuxV2Ku THFXYq8p/NDXbbyh5p8sX1nZWqJ6F4ZT6NtGaJcWkSj1mjknQcLyYAQ/tPV6IHZVWBp+ZiyzeX9c CMYK Using the traditional formulation, the program of recovery consists of the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. RR Black 61.525899 This path laid out in this book provides a way of living that will be compatible for those seeking a non-theistic way of walking the spiritual road of recovery. PROCESS aVLapfZ/846a3DBdwTed7m5i1C2nhv0eG4UTzTPNItzKEvFEjo03+7OQO/Q0ZW1TbR/yZ83aZrEV qC0D8hdU0y+lu5/N1xevdWNzZagWhlVrlrqAxtLKxuX5ESt6tPHwO+Nq68/ITVb/AMox+XdS833F PROCESS . After working on Now have a discharge date.. 0000061659 00000 n 0.000000 A poorly organized personal journal and part-time blog related to my experience with life, love, addiction, and all manner of stupidity, enlightenment, and the roots and branches that connect it all. Refuge Recovery uses mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation to reduce cravings, regulate emotions, and build social connection. 85.000000 The meeting ends with a closing meditation, and we put away our chairs and cushions. RefugeRecovery: A Buddhist-Based Recovery Group, Jefferson Center for InterProfessional Education, Harm Reduction, Abstinence and Moderation Support, Finding Recovery Without God and the 12 Steps, Alternative Options Outside the AA Program, About American Addiction Centers &, 5 Ways to Get High Without Drugs or Alcohol, Behind Closed Doors: 5Methods Teens Use to Mask the Smell of Marijuana, Liar, Liar: How to Break Free from Habitual Lying, The 3 Phases of Erotic Recovery After Infidelity. THIRD TRUTH INVENTORY R e c ov e r y i s p os s i b l e . RESOURCES FOR DOWNLOAD: How to Run a Business Meeting . Sign Me Up. CMYK saved fRYHYFu1K4qkVx+ftq1noF3aaRPTUbxbfUIpDGeKG1kkb6u6vyZhKq8eUY5ANULVTiqIi/PnSJtd 0.000000 Zl9UlLxW5j6wfir88bVkjfkbFJb6cJ9XZr7SLbVo9LvUjnieG61W5E6XalLkMWtxyULyoSeXwkY2 The book that serves our recovery program includes detailed guidance on how to recover using the Buddhist practice of The Four Truths and Eightfold Path of Refuge Recovery, written investigations that explore the causes and conditions of our addictions, daily meditation practices,personal stories of recovery, advice and inspiration for finding or creating community, and a format for Refuge Recovery meetings. C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=20 /suffering" as it appeared in that original group The Four Truths of. Yellow a9sVR3ln8lf0H5xj8yDWTOyXtxeG1+r8BxuLaS3MQb1WpvIHY0+Ir0HZV6dirsVdirxXU/yu/OC8 5A8ixgPRvjq/Vat0pXbAdNOBiYji9NFfFiQQdt0DF5Q812OleX1i08XN1pV9NczQiaJAy80ZKOzU 0.000000 The Path focuses on abstinence from all mind-altering substances and process addictions, conscious intention to live in a way that does not harm self or others and participating in community, service and meditation. 25.000000 Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addic-tion. CMYK For our individual recovery program, Refuge Recovery follows the traditional Buddhist system of the Four Noble Truths, which consists of four actions. Then we go around the circle and share a reflection on the reading and how it relates to our journey away from alcohol and drug addiction. The path is gradual and comprehensive, a map of the inner terrain that must be traversed in the process of recovery. 100.000000 1 5 0 obj I got sober in Oakland, California and had been attending Against the Stream [a Buddhist recovery meditation group also founded by Noah Levine] sits. %PDF-1.5 We don't have much to do Another weekend is here.. Medium %t9^$>7v*lGAAA,BI&BAALAP)~2OALQPP 51!|34EQPPP( 100.000000 I like that its non-dogmatic, said M. The guided mediation is helpful if you have a hard time meditating by yourself. CMYK Grays Share the inventory with your mentor and come to understand the cause of your addiction/suffering. 0.000000 ^]9]/(W(CbwC'?l?Sbq+{c{wx@~`ywmK@[Va 7Y-N PROCESS vSIo55tQvBEkEazmPTr5EVS7Rvxeq82ZR9sKRxxVbdeaNFg0yPzDB5eSHTJdGvGm0ixkhigY3Fwl 90.000000 Resources for Flyers and Templates. Oswald Oswald-Regular.ttf Coin out tonight, leaving tomorrow. << /Type /XRef /Length 70 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 4 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 2 1 ] /Index [ 4 30 ] /Info 19 0 R /Root 6 0 R /Size 34 /Prev 48739 /ID [<5d90d081dfe1a607963260699ef491e0><5d90d081dfe1a607963260699ef491e0>] >> CNsVUrPzzp1zfzcfLljFENNs7i4tZ4rVJZfqpnVo5i0HwVURo1WIhZKCu5xVPb7X9M0i8V/0HZX2 C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0 PROCESS 0000005107 00000 n Refuge Recovery originated with meetings taking place at ATS in Los Angeles in 2010. Oswald-SemiBold C=70 M=15 Y=0 K=0 kElsYvQ9JmjKQFgzq3xFvh5/CtAyqCk/MDyyXaaLyXo6fo+OM27MEaWW3jK8FtUNrGyqY5IvSLEf If you have questions about readdiction recovery, contact Choice House 720-577-4422 or trailer <<71086ED7D4634CA3BA8F5611B6F529B3>]/Prev 80598/XRefStm 1488>> startxref 0 %%EOF 313 0 obj <>stream 0000013419 00000 n 25.000000 1 100.000000 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in-person meetings may have been canceled or moved online. #J;Tsq&x"4 :j]*HQ;x! 100.000000 aqo3Vvyh8u6nqK38t5fRTAwErE8IQ/VliRAQ0TdfQUn36U2oqoaf+SflGw0m80uCa7+r30NtBMzt Inches 2: Craving is a natural phenomenon; it is not our fault, but we are fully responsible for our healing and recovery. 69.999700 Refuge Recovery is a complete recovery program, which if followed, can and has brought about complete recovery from addictions of all kinds. April's other interest in healthcare is interprofessional education and teamwork. Chapters describe daily meditation practices, exercises to help explore the causes and conditions of addiction, and personal recovery stories. 9JqqywR0jQ/Byo79eKq2384w/oCXU7Tyto8GkxyQPHp/AFwq21z63qFYlRJFjg9IfAeALA1G2Kqn PROCESS CMYK We come to understand that recovery is possible and take refuge in the path that leads to the end of addiction. endobj bTgBdLAFtD8beqVDlz8Y6neq4qssfL/5v2kcenxfWodMElg6CO4sw68JYPrXJufIDgjnhH8LfHse 0000028763 00000 n f89KFZR8aM7sfg+Dbiv28swDGc8uL6uLbmxmZcArlW7GfLaWX1fR/wBFiVfM8mogM0fqAG1UVatf application/pdf 0.000000 % It talks about the Eight Fold Path and Four Noble Truths. Using the framework of the Four Truths and the inventory process, we engage in the following four tasks: 1. Deutsche Bahn Intercity-Express operates a train from Dsseldorf Hbf to Kln Hbf every 30 minutes. It is almost always a source of suffering for both the addict and those who care about the addict. Process Addiction. C=25 M=40 Y=65 K=0 The path to recovery (fourth truth) closely follows the eightfold path taught by the historical Buddha. Latest Sangha News and Updates. 1st Truth: Addiction Creates Suffering; We take stock of all the suffering we have experienced and caused as addicts. FOUR . 90.000000 Refuge Recovery is a systematic method based on Buddhist principles, which integrates scientific, non-theistic, and psychological insight. WNeRTk7BqKOYK1PfbFVJ/O/kuN5UfX9NR4Np1a7gBTfj8YL/AA/Eab4qpr5+8ktPcw/p2wD2dfrJ ^b"|n>3|=fr00ZiF ` ) endstream endobj 312 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[9 259]/Length 31/Size 268/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream utVfSLXWLKfVY6+pp8VzE9wvEVasSsXFO+2KqFx558k293cWdx5g02G7tAxu7eS8gWSIJ9r1ELhk xJO+xDKE0TUx+Yz6wYf9xxsvRE/JP7yo2415/hmYMUvH469PC08Y8OutsqzMaXYq7FXYq7FXYq7F It works on the assumption that Buddhist ideas, which were developed to end human suffering in general, are also applicable to the specific suffering caused by addiction. PROCESS Magenta Her research focuses on harm reduction approaches to people who use substances when they enter the healthcare system. CMYK CMYK CMYK Previous. 0.000000 85.000000 5. 40.000000 the main inspiration and guiding philosophy for the Refuge Recovery program are the teachings of Siddhartha (Sid) gautama, a man who lived in India twenty- five hundred years ago. PROCESS Join founder Noah Levine for the First Thursday of the Month Refuge Recovery Talks LIVE talk, guided meditation and Q&A. %PDF-1.4 % 92.474246 10.000000 15.000000 Tickets cost 16 - 23 and the journey takes 27 min. 0.000000 Practicing these principles and developing these skills will lead to a safe place, a true and reliable refuge, a place that is free from addiction, to a full recovery. C=85 M=50 Y=0 K=0 0.000000 PROCESS Contact . Refuge Recovery is grounded in the Four Noble Truths' which are Buddhist principles, and they set the foundation for each individual's road to recoveryand the Eightfold Path. X0241K+N/oqNPA8ZkjS24OCJpGV2nt2kLOfiJ5HiTxCq3yZ5d/Nny95d1bSy5cxRF9HK/UyTNLOZ The path of practice that we follow is called the Four Truths and Actions of Refuge Recovery. gtI/MMzavaTgvay3dk07zSO9xGskXpA8qSyFAFBoxI7EKoPzvpH5TSrqc2oeYbi4ivYdRvrqKyur 0000001668 00000 n PROCESS I asked members of the Philadelphia Refuge Recovery group what they are drawn to in the practice. [/av_section], [av_section min_height= min_height_px=500px padding=default shadow=no-border-styling bottom_border=no-border-styling bottom_border_diagonal_color=#333333 bottom_border_diagonal_direction= bottom_border_style= id= color=main_color custom_bg= src= attachment= attachment_size= attach=scroll position=top left repeat=no-repeat video= video_ratio=16:9 overlay_opacity=0.5 overlay_color= overlay_pattern= overlay_custom_pattern= av_element_hidden_in_editor=0 av_uid=av-389qr], [av_heading heading=MEETING MATERIALS tag=h3 link_apply= link=manually,http:// link_target= style=blockquote modern-quote size=35 subheading_active=subheading_below subheading_size=20 margin= padding=15 color=custom-color-heading custom_font=#23282d custom_class= admin_preview_bg= av-desktop-hide= av-medium-hide= av-small-hide= av-mini-hide= av-medium-font-size-title= av-small-font-size-title= av-mini-font-size-title= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size=][/av_heading], [av_textblock size= font_color= color= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size= av_uid=av-jnnq1r8i custom_class= admin_preview_bg=][/av_textblock], [av_one_third first min_height= vertical_alignment=av-align-top space= margin=0px margin_sync=true row_boxshadow_color= row_boxshadow_width=10 link= linktarget= link_hover= title_attr= alt_attr= padding=0px padding_sync=true highlight_size=1.1 border= border_color= radius=0px radius_sync=true column_boxshadow_color= column_boxshadow_width=10 background=bg_color background_color= background_gradient_color1= background_gradient_color2= background_gradient_direction=vertical src= attachment= attachment_size= background_position=top left background_repeat=no-repeat animation= mobile_breaking= mobile_display= av_uid=av-2s2er custom_class=], [av_textblock size= font_color= color= av-medium-font-size= av-small-font-size= av-mini-font-size= av_uid=av-24trb custom_class= admin_preview_bg=], Essential Elements of a Refuge Recovery meeting, Complete RR Meeting Format with Secretary Instructions, Refuge Recovery Book Group Discount Purchase, For meditations, please head to the Meditations page. CMYK Cyan Four Noble Truths The four noble truths comprise the essence of the Buddha's teachings around human suffering: its essential truth, causes, and possibility of a . 0.000000 +DlJWWl5iZmpucnZ6fkqOkpaanqKmqq6ytrq+v/aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8A9U4q7FXYq8w8/LoLef7T 30caSPbRmFmVpo2vnCWokSMuU9bkCpO1N+mKqdn+Yfky6vJLaPV7McSiwTNcwelcFwP952Dn1OLM Sid was a radical psychologist and a spiritual revolutionary. 0000049033 00000 n 0.000000 EoiM8JlRAVHFnktRHH/M/IMeW4VRWleVPye065Pp+YXWa40qXRHgnuIVMVhwlkaOUemjRfA1Q0hF CMYK CMYK CMYK +Lj9HhlY02WMYULMZE8wyOWJJ35hnV6uq6n5TvY5rL6rqV1aXEQsvVSSjsjIg9QcU+LY5sZ8U8Rs XmoDnihptvhzACOMTIkLN1vsiB3lQpnd3DpEP5e3yaOOOmHTrl7UVc/C8bvX958e5bvmxkIjAeD6 29xbwISrqnp8Wi5Bzy74qn3li2/NpvNcEnmF7htGtjEq0ewVJOVpIJZJEg4O377hsRsd1HHoqlEE I have been struggling with some dark thoughts to Refuge Recovery - Second Truth Inventory Part 4, Refuge Recovery - Second Truth Inventory Part 3, Refuge Recovery - Second Truth Inventory Part 2, Refuge Recovery - Second Truth Inventory Part 1. 1st Truth: Addiction Creates Suffering; We take stock of all the suffering we have experienced and caused as addicts. irsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdi Then Hurricane Ian slammed on the brakes. 0.000000 100.000000 stream 0000009981 00000 n However, the Refuge Recovery program takes a non-theistic approach, and no one is required to find or believe in a Higher Power. Zoom registration for the 3rd Thursday of each 90.000000 Just got back from my las A night to remember.. Version 4.100; ttfautohint (v1.8.1.43-b0c9) 75.000000 The Second Truth Inventory. PROCESS SemiBold endstream p4a+9yIZAI+dpK3l7zguj+V/9xnrXmiXEjywevCvKNXVo/j5Ebgce/TMfwMvDD07wPeGfHG5b807 You can also check your insurance benefits now or use the form below to determine whether your insurance provider will cover the cost of rehabilitation. 50.000000 60.000000 We engage in the process of the Eightfold Path that leads to recovery, namely, understanding, intention, communication/community, action/engagement, livelihood/service, effort/energy, mindfulness/meditations, and concentration/meditations. 70.000000 0.000000 CMYK Investigate how craving for more pleasure and less pain led you in to addiction. These are as follows: Taking inventory of suffering, to understand what you have experienced and what you have caused. CMYK Adobe PDF library 15.00 CMYK 100.000000 1vrMPD16cvR5cqepx349cVS9vzK8hLqCae2u2guJHMSEyD0mkCligm/uuQA6cuu3XFURbee/Jd1M Refuge Recovery is a practice, a process, a set of tools, a treatment, and a path to healing addiction and the suffering caused by addiction. Wise intention has three . yI4jaqV+EUovJWVUbf8AI/zeIJre9/MTU7+GVEUx3AuHFVieNiytdsrBmk50p1A8BRtUutvyP89/ /ew6RZTW0yaWsM31attObgAJ9boP3nEgmpBHI1bfDaqOnf8AONfmLToONn5/u4JjI00k0VvNGzTF Over the stages, the amount of time a participant is instructed to meditate increases, starting small and gradually increasing to twenty minutes, then forty-five minutes per day. What is Refuge Recovery? Members commit to sitting in meditation to learn how to be aware in the present moment, discern the causes of addiction and the suffering it leads to and practice loving kindness and forgiveness. 0.000000 PROCESS CMYK Through his own efforts and practices he came to understand why human beings experience and cause so much suffering. C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0 0000004459 00000 n uuid:5D20892493BFDB11914A8590D31508C8 Bestselling author and renowned Buddhist teacher Noah Levine adapts the Buddha's Four Noble Truths and Eight Fold Path into a proven and systematic approach to recovery from alcohol and drug addictionan indispensable alternative to the 12-step program. All are welcome. 0.000000 C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0 He tells us how to not only break the addiction to the substance, but to the mind. 35.000000 65.000000 CMYK Blue 30.000000 0000005734 00000 n MzsZiW+NaNQ1NCoxV6vAZjDGZ1VJioMqIxdVanxBWKoWAPQ8R8hiq/FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FXYq7FX #.V~N)AQM dt+fo+l6/q8edeHo/vOXTj8XTFVabzh5ShguLibW7CK3tPSF3M91CqRGdQ0PqMWonqKapX7Q6Yqm 60.000000 After freeing himself from the suffering caused by craving, he spent the rest of his life teaching others how to live a life of well-being and freedom, a life free from suffering. Cornerstone of the Philadelphia Refuge Recovery May 7, 2020 fourth Truth of a alcohol! 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