Homestuck References In Other Media, Articles A
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avengers fanfiction peter sexually harassed

Even after calming him down, pulling his pants off had tears rolling down his face. Goosebumps covered his skin."I-I.." Walking carefully but quickly to the elevator, he felt tears fill his eyes. "Pete, kid, tell me what's going on? people, C/SA survivors preferably but not limited to bc reasons, can comment with prompts or one shot ideas they want to see done. Your hand turned into a fist faster than anyone could ever notice as fire was raging within your fingers when you punched his nose, knocking his head backwards and he was quick to put his hands over his bloody nose what the hell? So, the two boys started dating in secret. Where can I touch you?" Ill also find prompts or write myself, but I think it would be fun to get requests. ! You cut, you havent even mentioned it to your dad! At first everything was ok. Technically you could call this a gender-alternative Avengers rock band AU, but with the canon MCU characters also existing in the story and everyone interacting frequently due to Plot. Tony was sure his heart was breaking.When Bruce deemed it okay for Peter to get in the shower, the boy lightly nodded, lost in his own thoughts. Tony nodded and slowly reached for the edge of the curtain. Now, Tony Stark is known for being fashionably late, but in this case, however, he's got perfect timing. Tony and Steve adopt Peter from an abusive orphanage. _____ A robot. Hoping to be comforted after losing a father figure, he's faced with the reality of living with his childhood rapist. Spider-Man didn't follow any patterns he just swung around queens saving people. Do you remember how you got to that park? ), ***I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR THIS FIC TO BE REPOSTED ON THIS SITE OR OTHER SITES***, I think youre better off in the lab, unfortunately., Peter kept his head low and wrote: Literally nothing could be held back. Tony and Steve adopt Peter from an abusive orphanage. "Tony, what happened to Peter?" This wasn't entirely true, but Peter was too distracted to tell. His whole lower body was on fire and he limped to the front door of the house, crying through gasping breaths. I heard it all you know.. The voice of Pepper Potts was heard in Tonys ears, making him close his eyes knowingly of course you did.. he huffed they love each other Tony. The man making him hurt. Peter headed slowly toward the adjoined bathroom in the med bay. nice kick you turned to see Michelle making her way through yhe crowed and got closer to you, a proud grin shaped her lips thanks you muttered and walked away from the flashing crowd, with her by your side. His lower body was still unpleasantly wet from earlier.Peter felt like he might throw up. "Tony snapped from his trance, moving quickly over to his kid, placing his hand on the boys arm. Tony Stark did it, he managed to bring back his kid after years of mourning. To when it all started. This is my fault! "He's in the lab Mr. Parker. Tag list (send an ask if you want to be tagged here! Thats you, she says. "Come on, let's go." Peter blinked and shook his head. It almost sounded as If Karen felt sorry for him. Avengers don't know Peter Parker is Spiderman and think he's being abused . Both being lego fanatics, they'd have sleepovers almost every weekend building the newest Lego set Ned bought. If you have any specific requests I'll try find the time to write it! ""Yes, Peter." He struggled to get away, fighting Flash's arms with his own (he couldn't reveal his identity).But Flash didn't retaliate. Peter had hurt may, he had talked. Peter was always very open to the others. The sight of him made your butterflies work harder than ever as he took a step closer towards you, his eyes glossed with fear and a strange look youve yet to see on him. #hawkeye ", "No, sir. "Flash, let go of me." What? He said innocently before his eyes twitched, they suddenly turned a sickening mixture of lust and coldness I saw you in that party.. he snarled his hand slowly wrapping your waist, and you froze, your heart beat fastened and all thought in your brain stopped as he came closer behind you. #period The AI replied as the elevator made its way there.When the two got there, Bruce was standing ready, waiting. And I might not write it. You noticed he was gone over the weekend, you kind of figured how much he hates you by now if he didnt even stay a weekend after you got drunk. Not until you're begging for me." Female Peter Parker - Works | Archive of Our Own #boyxboy She has a beautiful smile and her brown hair was pulled into a ponytail, she had a pair of glasses over her brown eyes definitely related you thought connecting the sparkle in her eyes to Peters. Your feet hurrying through the empty hallways, headphones cleaning your mind like bleach, letting you forget the earlier events of today. I-yeah..sure ok. You huffed and crossed your arms lazily as his eyes lit up with hope Whats the address? You shrugged and pulled out your phone, quickly typing away the address and sending it to one of your drivers. ", "Yeah, I guess. #death When peter first cracked. hey! She leaned over the door with a genuinely happy and confused smile hey..Im y/n.. He cried out, scaring the two causing Tony to drop Peter onto the bed, causing him even more pain. A/N: about the end. "Water's fine," Peter mumbled. FRI? Peter and the Avengers , a Spider-Man - FanFiction Feb 25, 2021 avengers fanfiction peter hates team cap. But before we continue first we must learn what happened to peter. Peter trying to get him off. And the fact her friends were so apologetic didn't help her annoyance..and than..Flash. A lot of it!and then. It wasn't like peter couldn't talk but after not using his voice for so long, it was strained and horse. Living in his shadow (Peter Parker x Reader) | Peter . His heart felt like it might explode."Kid?" But basically, prison AU.Can be viewed as Starker or iron-fam, I'll leave that up to you. Peter was just sitting in the rafters of the warehouse when he heard the whirring and then Ironman landed on the ground. Mrs. Miller and Morgan and the playground disappeared, and all that was left was Peter and a man with sandy hair. ", "Does she need you need you or something? (Detailed descriptions of rape! Read more? This is about the life of Peter and stuff. You know what do you want? He started cockily and you were quick to cut him, your palm stopping him for a moment as you opened your locker in silence. I'm going to help you get through this, okay? Peter? He lay there for what felt like forever, but was only a minute. Peter is just trying to have a good time at a Science Expo, but this weird employee will not leave him alone. Steve Rogers, Peter Parker (18) and fellow Avengers. But he couldn't have done anything, could he? 160K 4.8K 19. Tony praises helping Peter back into his bed. But six years later, hes back. Please! You begged, breaking down under the forgiving pressure. Sitting down in the chair next to it after peter is as comfortable as he can be, Tony watches as dr. He- ah! You squealed at the touch, your heart nervously looked up to be met with an apologetic Ned s-sorry I didnt mean to scare you.. he apologized tugging his hands in his pockets and you simply shooked your head in disbelief its uh..its f-fine..completely fine.. you spoke rushed, your heart slowly getting into a fit pace at the sight of the nice boy. He said no one really feels ready at first. "Well, sir, he's a teenager, so naturally, he'll want at least a little privacy. Come back to me, kid." Major dysphoria triggers in this book also this book deals with sexual abuse, murder, rape, bullying, self-harm, and attempted suicide. Pulling his clothes away, burying himself inside him. Tony's heart broke. His helpless side won. Phantom touches on her skin, agonizing. I am sorry. That he would lose control. Flash stop. You requested feeling him reach down your thigh, you clenched you jaw angrily and he swiftly backed away with his hands raised. Then everyone would know.Sighing weakly, he turned the shower handle as water began pouring from the shower head. Peter Parker and his friends go on summer vacation to Europe, while . Could you give it to him? You raised a suspicious brow at Ned before frowning at the bkue hoodie. Iron heart and a spider shaped key- chapter 18 Chapter summary: Peter disappeared over the weeked, being convinced of his hatred was feeling down. Everyone tried in May different ways to find out Steve tried being open minded: "Hey kiddo! Steam filled the bathroom, covering the mirror with water droplets.Peter scrubbed his skin raw with soap, he could still feel Flash's hands on him. they all began sitting down at your usual spot in the cafeteria as you passed Peter. Peters eyes widened in fearWhat? "N-No, sorry. So peter stayed silent. Foggy had said to him the guy looked rather young, about a decade older than Peter, with blond hair, pale skin, blue eyes, and slight muscle.Hi, my name is Mathew Murdock, and this is Franklin Nelson, Matt said, moving to the table and sitting opposite of the man.Skip Westcott, the man - Skip - said.Matt nodded, nice to meet you. Of course there are some not so nice things that happen, Skip convincing him he can't have friends and everyone of his relatives are dead, but he was grateful for what he had. (Basically, if you like whump, angst, fluff, andsick fics, then this is the fic for you. "No, do I reason to?" Pete you have a visitor! She called loudly, opening the door enough for you to pass. Pepper edition! And maybe figure out what friendship means. "I've got Spider-Man converge on me" Stark was saying when peter kicked him knocking him over and webbing him to the ground. But he didn't think it would happen so soon. Ben Parker & May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, (CLOSED) SPIDEY C/SA or ABUSE SURVIVOR REQUESTS, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Self-Harm - not in the way you are thinking, Harley Keener/Peter Parker mentioned - Relationship, please please don't read this if any of these things are potentially triggering to you, Michelle Jones/Harley Keener/Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Tony Stark Coparenting Peter Parker, One-sided Steven 'Skip' Wescott/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) & Tony Stark, Minor Happy Hogan/May Parker (Spider-Man), Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Adorable Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Kid Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), (p has a crush on her but at this point theyre friends), Spiders Crawl Collective (Independent Works), Peter Parker Lacks Self-Preservation Instincts, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, May Parker Has an Abusive Partner (Spider-Man). His body ached. The avengers knew of Spider-Man but they all thought nothing of it, until fury came and told them they had to track him down and bring him in for questioning and to be put into the Shield database. ", Peter is depressed after the events of No Way Home and checks on May to make sure she's okay, only to fuck up his own plan of making sure nobody remembers him. Peter gets a letter that Skip is eligible for parole and the parole board would like to hear from him. Thankfully it was the last class you got, and it was nothing much, you dont even remember who you were with, or if someone talked to you, it all seemed off. Tiny Stank, the things that I hold dear (will always be the things I fear), help me i have no idea where this is going, Every Fic I've Posted in OG Posting Order, but the Medusa is a unique symbol, something strong, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Matt Murdock Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Giving Stories to background characters is my favorite, takes place between Civil War and Homecoming. Bucky Barnes and a friend who is not an Avenger. Thank god for Ned. but sure good for you for keeping it within dress code He shrugged with a smile before taking another sip from his coffee. I was like four. Stop! #brucebanner Peter is Spider-Man now. His mind screamed, but his mouth couldn't make a sound. Useless words. ", Superfamily - Why Must It All Come Rushing Back, Loki/Thor - I'll Always Be Here For You, Brother. For ten years, I tried telling people, but nobody believed me. Sexual Assault - Works | Archive of Our Own They were all audiences; bxb sexual harassment and arrange a fic with revocs at the fics. He felt violated, broken. Got it?" Peter still hadn't talked since that day when he was 11, he was mute to everyone and everything around him. The boy was so scared of the littlest touches. Fine. You huffed stuffing the jacked into your bag Im going home anyways so oh hes actually staying with his aunt tonight! You looked at him in disbelief You dont mind do you? He smiled nervously and you closed your eyes and took a deep breath re-thinking your options. He continued his trip to the tower.~~~He stepped through the now open window, pain pushing through him. ) @pieceofhamiltrash @tom-parkers-girl @all-fandomthings @thankyouspiderr, @dayswithoutcoffee @lafayettes-baguettes-1 @purpstraw, @for-my-mind @blackpuppetplayer @srrymydood @allthings-sandy @dontstopxx @colorbookshd, @marvelnerdxinfinity @unicorngummybears @thewondersofmysexuality. Peter never held anything back from them. Taking his shirt off almost sent him into a panic attack. Please.." He whimpered, dropping the soap and pushing himself into the corner of the shower farthest from the bathroom door. #thorodinson The officer pulls out a picture that she turns toward Peter. Tony took out a glass from the cabinet and poured the water, sliding the cup across the counter to the boy. But not in the typical sense, you see peter had then been 15 so he was allowed to be in a special program. When Peter fails his tests and is threatened with getting kicked out of Midtown, he'll do anything to keep his scholarship. "I know kiddo, it's only for a few days, okay? Please. It hurt her, she stayed away from peter more. #injury He had no interest in girls he saw at school, and he hung out with Ned 24/7. #comingoutofthecloset Type: ANGST! But once again peter hid it. Apparently may came home to find peter beaten and raped. That one day he would just break. Not yours! Peters heart rate picked up, a nervous feeling entering his stomach. I just have one of those faces," Peter smiled sadly and started to walk away, not wanting to get caught. It makes it easier for Bruce to help you." "Peter cried out from the pain, as Flash let go.And Peter didn't move.He didn't move when Flash opened Peters pants.He didn't move when Flash moved him to the couch.He didn't move when Flash pulled himself from his own pants.He didn't move when Flash entered his tight body.When he took Peters virginity, when Peter felt like he was splitting in half.~~~Flash pulled out of Peter, pulling up and zipping his pants closed.Peter felt hot tears falling down his face. Not terrified of the body behind the thin sheet of plastic. @letitbefiction / I couldn't stop h-him and it's all m-my fault." #boyxgirl Peter would tell Aunt May he was going over to Ned's house to build Lego sets or study.The two would sit on the couch and cuddle, kissing softly but it would never become harsh. His kid was sobbing in the shower as a result of being raped and he could only comfort the boy with words. Leave peter alone with the man, and then the man hurting him. He lived in an apartment by himself but every Friday he had a worker come check on him and give him $150 for the next week (yes this is a thing where I come from). As the day gone by, you werent called to the principal office, and neither did Flash, it was as nothing happened, and it made you sick, and angered, and sad, and disgustedhis touch still ghosting you throughout the day. Peter Parker thought he was done with Skip Westcott the day he saw him in a courtroom being led away in handcuffs. Tony nodded."Okay. Peter was huddled on the shower floor now, trembling. Tony even tried to use his tech: "Anything, Fri? It was erratic and there was no tracking it. ". You've been in here for a while." Fuck you Eugene Tompson. You spat and stepped closer, your eyes wide and clear with anger Next time you touch me you will end up in a hospital and expect to get a call from my lawyers by the end of the day. You hissed closing your locker and turned away, but he caught your right wrist almost tripping you downwards next to him W-what?! Peter knew he could never make this mistake again. That's, fortunately, a rare occurrence, though, and she gets to have the liberty of pretending he didn't happen, pretending a whole year from her life is just missing. Of your drivers tech: `` hey kiddo you get through this, okay, two! Talk but after not using his voice for so long, it was strained and horse I think it be. And then the man, and he could never make this mistake again long it... Right wrist almost tripping you downwards next to him W-what? him more! Was peter and the parole board would like to hear from him. kicked out of Midtown, he do! For the edge of the littlest touches mind like bleach, letting forget! 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Homestuck References In Other Media, Articles A