yamantaka mantra benefits

There is also an emanation of Yamantaka (called Yamantaka or Yamantakrt) in the Ten Wrathful Ones / Uncommon Protection Wheel of the Vajrabhairava and Guhyasamaja practices. Hence within the tantric system, you have four sets of tantras: Charya, Yoga, Kriya and Maha Anuttara tantra. The left legs are extended straight and press upon eight birds and various gods; standing above a sun disc and multi-colored lotus completely surrounded by orange flames of pristine awareness. Another benefit is within Yamantakas tantra, within Yamantakas tantra, if you practice, it is said that you do not need to practice any other tantras whatsoever, no other tantra is necessary to become Enlightened. It should be the same for other mantras, but I don't want to say that, as the benefits of OM MANI PADME HUM are what is explained. Teacher: Jhampa Shaneman DATE: Feb 17 to 26, 2023 Gelug Tibetan Buddhist tradition. By virtue he is purely 100% Manjushri and no other. So what we want to do is to be able to overcome that kind of death and instead be able, in our meditation, to get to that subtlest level of mental activity. And weve used great force to get down there. Are they all Shakyamuni? So we have this whole development within the non-Buddhist Indian context of Yama, the Lord of Death, and even putting an end to Yama in the Shiva complex.. It says: Vajravega is the forceful form of Kalachakra. Where is Ogyen? With Yamantaka's tantra alone one can become fully Enlightened. Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation from a qualified Lama. The Ngor Mandala collection of the Sakya tradition alone, lists eight different forms/lineages of the blue/black buffalo-faced Vajrabhairava which include two from the Gelug tradition and four of red Rakta- or blue Krishna-Yamari without the buffalo head. We happily welcome both sponsorships and donations to make these teachings possible! Thats the Concert of Names of Manjushri, a Kalachakra text (probably also seventh century). Version 2.1 July 2010 A Long Sadhana of the Transcendental Destroyer Solitary-Hero Yamantaka According to the pure and unbroken lineage of the Gelug Tibetan Buddhist tradition Composed by Je Pabongka Rinpoche (1878 - 1941 C.E.) (1878 - 1941 C.E.) Were talking about a very different type of Buddha that will appear when it is helpful and necessary. the ritual for collecting the syllables of the three Vajrabhairava mantras. Then you get three different ways of looking at the same thing. Tring, U.K., The Institute of Buddhist Studies, 1996. Black Yamari and Red Yamari dont have a buffalo head. All the former are yidams (meditational deities) whereas Yamaraja (sometimes also called Dharamaraja) is a Dharma protector. That ignorance is, is manifested as grasping of the self that does not exist. The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total. From amongst the many lineages of practice to enter Tibet, the main transmissions of Vajrabhairava were those of the two translators Ra Lotsawa and Mal Lotsawa. From Tibet it spread to Mongolia, and then the Manchus took it up and it was a big practice in Beijing, where the Manchus ruled. Outer and Secret forms have buffalo heads, the Secret Yamaraja form does not. (This is the Tibetan story, by the way.) One who has achieved Yamantaka, they simply say, I am Yamantaka. So Yamantaka sets of tantras are very, very powerful because they focus on both clear light and illusory body, simultaneously. Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug school, emphasized and promoted the practice of Vajrabhairava. Her physique is robust, matching that of Yamantaka. Second Buddha means the one thats equal to Sakyamuni after Sakyamuni. So, do the sadhana, torma, sensory offerings, then every two weeks do tsog or extra three times mantra and read up on your Bodhisattva Vows and your Tantric Vows, very important, they should have it in Chinese, Im sure. Transcript for Advice to a Yamantaka Initiate. But as they extended their hold over the Eastern Mongol regions, they needed to incorporate Yamantaka so as to win over the Eastern Mongols. Whatever understanding, whatever positive force has come from this, may it act as a cause for all beings to reach enlightenment as quickly as possible through a sincere practice such as this Yamantaka system. Now, soon after that, Yama becomes incorporated into the Shiva complex of Hindu deities. The Hundred-Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva. And all these different Indian traditions have their own variant of them, their own version. For those who are interested in iconography, Black Yamari is either with: Red Yamari is usually just in the one head, two arms, two-legged version. I dont feel like going and helping somebody. You have to cut through that. And underlying it is what? Yamantaka practice became especially popular and widespread not only among the Tibetans, but also in the Mongol and Manchu regions in which Tibetan Buddhism spread. Transcription of a lecture, Moscow, Russia, June 2013. Consequently the practice became one of the three principal tantras taught at the tantric colleges and monastic universities. So if we didnt do that, imagine how powerful Yamantaka is, even still. So Yamantaka is already one of the protectors on this wheel in Guhyasamaja as well as on this wheel in the Yamantaka and Hevajra practices. Or you could try to look at it to see that what is said in the Buddhist version does have some historical reference, that the whole development of tantra is really a general thing going on in India, a general way of practicing, and that you have different schools, whether Hindu or Buddhist, each working with it and trying to find the most efficient method for attaining their goals (liberation or enlightenment the way that each of them define it). So this is basically the tantra path of the highest class of tantra. It is even more extraordinary to be able to receive regular guidance from such an experienced practitioner as Les, who has received extensive teachings from Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden . He also appears as one of the eight non-Buddhist deities found, one each, in eight of the skullcups held by Hevajra. Those are the real harmful ones.. They all embody wrathful aspects of peaceful Manjushri as well as, in some cases, Yamnatakas consort, Vajravetali, the wrathful nature of Saraswati. Both practice texts are available in English translation on this website. Theres nothing especially Buddhist about it. So he does that.. In Sanskrit Vajrabhairava means Adamantine Terrifier. Along with practising Yamantaka's tantra, one can perfect memory, clairvoyance, penetrative insight, one can have great debate, one can have great speech, one could have perfect understanding of the Dharma. I am not being miserly about the teaching, but the Yamantaka teaching is like the heart of the dakinis. Yamantaka Self-Initiation PDF -This practice is restricted to only those with the appropriate tantric empowerment. Vajrasattva's mantra is a powerful purification prayer that invokes the mindstreams of all the buddhas. Yamantaka with 9 heads, 34 arms, 16 legs. The latter gives more detail about practices to access clear light mental activity (T: od-gsal) and focus it with blissful awareness on voidness, as the immediate cause for achieving a Buddhas omniscient awareness or dharmakaya (Tib: chos-sku). Another name for Shiva is Bhairava. Like other wrathful deities, Yamantaka gives the forces of the Shadow [in the Jungian sense] a symbol that hooks their energy and provides a channel and direction for their expression and transformation (Preece, p. 187). Ra Lotsawa requested further, but they didnt even know the name or form of Yamantaka., One day, Ra Lotsawa followed the Guru to a cave, where the Guru always went. Thats really quite odd, isnt it? Already before you get the development of Yamantaka as a meditational deity that you actually visualize yourself in that form, already Yamantaka appears as a protector to chase away interference. So we are aiming to become a Buddha ourselves, and we need to have a body, speech, and mind of a Buddha, and we need to be able to attain all of those in the most efficient way. Lalitavajra was studying this Concert of Names of Manjushri, and in that text he came across some lines in the section Praising Mirror-like Deep Awareness. I wont read the full lines, because we dont have so much time, but just the parts of the lines. Anyway, enough of history and stories. I wish you the best. But just understanding it doesnt make you change but realizing it and it becomes second nature will provoke change. This page was last edited on 3 April 2016, at 14:10. Scientists who cares about what they say?, Or we could be Buddhologists scientists and look at archaeology and all these Sanskrit texts, and so on, and The Buddhist stories and so on, this is just nice mythology.. So now you look: Why Oddiyana? In order to engage in its practice, . All of that is completely clear in these texts. Rilbu means qualified inner nectar pill put inside. Having the the opportunity to practise Yamantaka is extremely rare. On top of that, please read (Tibetan name) is the Six Sessions Guru Yoga, which is to be recited six times a day, written by Kyabje Pabongka Dorje Chang. So we have to use some very strong energy. But that wasnt the case, because you can see from Wheel of Sharp Weapons that the image is intended for having this strength, as I was saying before, to cut through your ignorance, your self-cherishing, your self-grasping. This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received this. And all the protector practices that are done in the Gelug tradition are all done within the context of oneself arising as Yamantaka. This is what we hear from the Buddhist version of the history. And you should do that. We want to help others as much as possible. Next to where the Eastern Mongols lived were the Manchus. Thats why Yamantaka would also have a buffalo head.. This sadhana practice is intended only for those people who have received this Highest Yoga Tantra Initiation from a qualified Lama. He then killed the two thieves and drank their blood from cups made from their skulls (so the skull-cup image). So have a good image of Yamantaka, can be a picture, can be a thangka, can be a good statue, and a picture or image of your root lama whom you received the Yamantaka initiation from, very fortunate. This is a little bit awkward, of course, when there are not so many people who are actually involved in the practice, so one is a little bit puzzled as to what to actually say. Right? But in order to do that, we have to have a very, very strong motivation because its really very difficult to do that. Now, he wanted to take more, and the dakini told him, Thats enough. This is very, very dangerous, very delicate. Chakrasamvara (Heruka) is a mother tantra practice of anuttarayoga tantra. one must have received the empowerment of Vajrabhairava (i.e., Yamantaka), completed an authorizing retreat of 100,000 mantras together with the traditional concluding fire puja. Alright, you should read the Six Session Guru Yoga every day, three in the morning, three at night or you can do six times in one shot, it doesnt take very long. In the other schools of Tibetan Buddhsim, Yamantaka seems to be mostly revered as a protector. Commentary teachings and retreats are held at regular intervals around the world. So with understanding, we want to cut through these grosser levels with all the confusion with a lot of strength and get down to the subtlest level. All the texts explain the benefits of having OM MANI PADME HUM [in the prayer wheel]. Okay. Not that I want to scare anybody, but be realistic. When the Manchus conquered China, they identified themselves with Yamantaka and Vajrabhairava and Manjushri. The Yamantaka drubchen, traditionally held near the end of the Tibetan year, is conducted in order to cleanse all obstacles not only for oneself, but for every being in the world. Now, within those so-called hidden tantras in which the fourth initiation is hidden, you have different systems: you have mother tantra (ma-rgyud); you have father tantra (pha-rgyud). You get that in Jungian psychology, for example. Ive received the empowerment of the Single-Deity Vajrabhairava (rDo-rje jigs-byed dpa-bo gcig-pa) many, many times, from: And Ive been practicing it every day for more than forty years. Lalitavajra brought these teachings back to India from Ugyen and gave them to Lilavajra, his disciple at Vikramashila Monastery. Either one is very good. Thats the reason. These are called the Three Rounds of Tantras (rGyud-skor gsum). We have in Guhyasamaja, as I mentioned in my previous lecture about that, a whole different system of secrecy than we have here in Vajrabhairava. We already explained how this practice transforms it so that you dont experience ordinary death you change that experience in terms of the clear-light mind, using that to get the understanding of voidness. But very strong energy is very dangerous to work with. A Buddha that appears and teaches the tantras is yet another type of Buddha. In the Gelug tradition it is the container, as I said, in which all the other practices can be done. Theres this whole thing that you get in the study of mythology to see what are the lessons behind the mythology, and is there a deeper psychological thing that is going on, and so on. This is the level that goes on from lifetime to lifetime and will continue into Buddhahood. So hes called Dharma, the Lord of Dharma, and thus he becomes called Dharmaraja (Chos-rgyal). Media in category "Yamantaka". The remaining hands hold a multitude of weapons, while the second and last set hold a fresh outstretched hide of an elephant. So you imitate death and imitate the process of death but without dying, obviously. To this very day it is considered one of the most important yidam practices, both for monastic and lay practitioners alike. So you find this very interesting, very odd way in which Yamantaka practice then becomes so popular among the Mongols and the Manchus, and you find big statues and things in Beijing and in other parts of China. Yongdzin Ling Rinpoche, who was the Vajrabhairava teacher of His Holiness, Tsenshap Serkong Rinpoche, my own main teacher, who was also a teacher of His Holiness. So, like in martial arts, you have to be very strong externally and totally 100% calm internally. Hence, the person finds it much easier. Its not just ethnologically fascinating but actually its very helpful to see that there is historical evidence and a historical development of why we had these practices, why they were in this form, and why they developed where they developed not just some fantasy story of some Buddhists. These teachings were first spread from Urgyen to India in the tenth century by a great master from Nalanda Monastery called Lalitavajra, and then to Tibet in the next century, in the eleventh century. They have a short version. [See: Explaining Vajra Expressions: 6 Alternatives & 4 Modes.] One of the attributes of Yamantaka is, no matter how much negative karma we have collected, no matter how much negative deeds we have done, no matter how much suffering we have created for others, if we sincerely regret, and we do Yamantakas tantra, within one single short lifetime, we can purify that negative karma. He practiced it, and he achieved visions, and he achieved results. Now, within the Yamantaka tantras, it is, Lama Tsongkhapa kept that as his personal yidam, along with other higher yidams, and he practiced it and he gained results. With all the protector practices, they are done as being Vajrabhairava yourself, and then you invite the protector into your mandala. First they beheaded the water buffalo in front of the hermit, and the hermit pleaded with them Please wait a few minutes more till I finish my fifty years of meditation but they beheaded him as well, before he could finish. So he walks all the way over there. They made this association that Manchu well, that sounds like Manju of Manjushri so their rulers eventually became recognized as emanations of Manjushri like the association of Avalokiteshvara with the Tibetans and Vajrapani with the Mongols. Remember Manjushri is the embodiment of the discriminating awareness, the clear mind, the intelligence, the so-called wisdom of the Buddhas. One Eastern Mongol a Torgud Mongol came to study with the Fourth Panchen Lama, called Neiji Toin. I think its very important to be realistic and understand that Buddhism did not develop in a vacuum. yamantaka mantra benefits. detailed instructions with measurements for drawing a weapon-wheel used for pacifying, increase, control and forceful actions, then the gathering of the syllables to be placed on the weapon-wheel. Only give it to a few disciples. Later Ra Lotsawa regretted that he had given it to too many disciples so he couldnt attain enlightenment in his lifetime. So, Yamantakas practice is very powerful for protecting oneself against negative, destructive energy. And he becomes a guardian of the hells. So if you think Well, did the historical Buddha do that? then you get very confused. RETREAT Yamantaka Practice Michoacan, Mexico, This retreat focuses on a detailed presentation of the Deity and how to use it in our daily lives. How could the historical Buddha teach like that?. All of that is implicit in these various rituals and things that are explained in the texts which sound as though they are horrible black magic for actually harming others, harmful beings, whereas the intention is for harming the internal enemy, our own selfishness. As we see with how we set our motivation in the Buddhist practice, we are moved by compassion. Thats in the seventh century. And youre getting the understanding of voidness with this, with the clear-light mind, so you overcome the mara of whats called the sons of the gods (which is referring to the non-Buddhist philosophical views). In order to overcome that confusion and laziness, we need the full understanding of reality in Buddhist terms, voidness that things dont exist in the impossible ways that our minds project. May 29, 2022 in new york v united states quizlet. Its And it was very, very difficult theres a whole long story and account of how much difficulty he had to get these teachings and to translate them with his Indian master Bharo Chag-drum (Bha-ro Phyag-drum), with whom he studied in Nepal but anyway he translated them and brought them to Tibet., Although a Yamantaka lineage was present at Radreng Monastery, teachings on it were not easy to find. Why not a goat or a dog or something like that? Inner and Outer Yamaraja are blue/black, and the Secret Yamaraja is red. Later, Yamantaka becomes associated with Manjushri, who embodies wisdom or the understanding of reality. One can guess though. This whole thing of making requests you have to really understand what that means. The Yamantaka empowerment is a secret mantra empowerment of the highest class known as Highest Yoga Tantra. Seng Piow here can give you the tsog dates, which is twice a month for the next year, and the year after that, if he has. He is adorned with bracelets, necklaces and a girdle all formed of interlaced bone ornaments, a necklace of snakes and a long necklace of fifty moist human heads. And so you have a structure, which you get in Chandrakirtis commentaries to Guhyasamaja tantra, in which he gives the structure of six alternatives and four modes (mtha'-drug tshul-bzhi) for explaining these so-called vajra expressions. Whats so special about this area that Guru Rinpoche comes from there, the tantras all come from there, and so on? At least I find for myself its helpful. The passage of time brings death, doesnt it? This was preserved in the land of Oddiyana, which is Urgyen (U-rgyan) in Tibetan (thats where Guru Rinpoche came from). So the Second Buddha is called Gyalwa Nyipa. The third mantra is 21 but if you can do more its much, much, much, much better. There are two main traditions: Okay, enough of art history or iconography. Were talking about the early seventeenth century. Were talking about the period from the first to the early third centuries of the Common Era., And what did you find in this area? In both schools, Vajrabhairava is seen as the wrathful manifestation of Manjushri, the Buddha of wisdom. I believe the intention of the person who requested this was that, because in the Gelug tradition theres a large emphasis from Tsongkhapa on the three deities of Guhyasamaja (gSang-ba 'dus-pa), Chakrasamvara, ('Khor-lo bde-mchog), and Vajrabhairava, it would be helpful to have some general idea of these three systems. Self-Initiation PDF -This practice is intended only for those people who have received this heart of highest... Intended only for those people who have received this highest Yoga tantra Initiation from a qualified Lama its very to! Brought these teachings back to India from Ugyen and gave them to Lilavajra his. These teachings back to India from Ugyen and gave them to Lilavajra, his disciple at Vikramashila Monastery the... 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